Not gonna lie, this looks hella fun! I'd just hop on from the side and go for a ride.
Not gonna lie, this looks hella fun! I'd just hop on from the side and go for a ride.
Well said, I'm just glad I was never a huge fan of JRPG or Final Fantasy franchise (always an Japanese action game fan). I'm hyped for this game from a marginal expectation perspective. I can't imagine what the true fans will be feeling like right now...
Never had a Xbox nor do I prefer it over my PC or other consoles; but this is so sad... It's unbearable to watch. The empty lines, those lifeless smiles. Microsoft needs a hug.
You're mistaking assholes with dicks. Assholes just want shit over everything. And the good people? They're called pussies. You get the picture.
Sina reports that this whole merger may have been sparked by a speech regarding new media that Chinese President Xi Jinping gave on August 18. The speech talked about the importance of new media and its role in propagating information in China. This is all really heavy stuff.
But few consoles truly live.
Actually I think you get used to it pretty fast. You'll learn to embrace and enjoy it.
For them, PT didn't count as a full game. But I'll bet when the game come out and it's not as realistic/graphically impressive they'll complain too lol.
It's got a robot curating a museum, how is this realistic? Those skinny legs can't support the weight of that robot omfg! Humanoid robots are fucking stupid and unreal. /s
I guess you can ask the same question to an air guitarist: why not just learn to play real guitar, or just do a performance dance not related to playing guitar?
Lol I don't know how to categorize Japanese music groups. Just Golden Bomber came up when I thought of air guitar and air bands.
Gotta watch more anime and play more otome games.
What do you mean? There's a lot of younger brother characters in female oriented anime (mostly).
It's all about how much fun and energy you're having... I think.
"I'm a dog I don't know better." *lick lick sniff sniff say no more*
But this is not even porn... It's just suggestive :(
The real question is whether or not Project Morpheus can be used on PC, a substitution to Oculus Rift. If this can take off with enough adaptation in the console market and Sony makes it completely compatible with PC, we could be having a healthier competition in the VR market. What I'm saying is my body is ready…
I think it's just a demo. But I was totally ready to give some summer lessons when I saw the announcement.
Maybe keep the punching part. Could be part of the play.
Or maybe you wanted to hand him a love letter, but you walk into the classroom with senpai and your younger brother both half naked holding and whispering into each other; afraid of being discovered you hid inside the locker, and...