Meh, it's not like you'll be doing anything useful with that 15 episodes of time anyways. I'd say you've spent that time well!
Meh, it's not like you'll be doing anything useful with that 15 episodes of time anyways. I'd say you've spent that time well!
"I do it because I want to see everyone's smiles," he says. That you've done, Caped Crusader.
Well, I don't think they've shown the actual transcript of the exchange (I doubt there is one); so everything is pretty much speculative at this point. One thing I know for sure is when it comes to translating, there are some really horrible translators out there that are "professional" so to speak - either in…
To generate buzz I guess? And possibly due to miscommunication between the curator and officials. I suspect language barrier plays a huge part in this incident.
Guy watched Kill La Kill but skipped JOJO... Man that's rough.
Didn't they released a new one this year or last year that kinda sucked?
Not even eggnog? No way... There's a bazillion ways to incorporate egg into things you eat it's almost impossible to not like them in some form. If you're into making Japanese cuisine, you should try making chawanmushi. I'm betting on that to change your mind about eggs. The simpler an ingredient is, the more likely…
I'm not a programmer or anything but wouldn't pathing be extremely hard to do on a procedural world for individual AIs? Then again, SimCity pathing always sucked. Minecraft pathing isn't that great either heh.
Kamen Rider vs Batman vs any sentai would be pretty amazing, but Batman will never get along with anyone lol.
Wouldn't it be cool if you combine SimCity with Minecraft? For example you can go into your cities as a builder/citizen and play inside the living city you've built.
Could be, but I choose to believe it's just a cool fan having some fun :)
Well, yakisobapan seems absurd when you first think about it too... But once you put it in your mouth all the worries and strangeness just disappears. So I'd totally approve this.
Honestly thought it was fake until I saw the video on Facebook lol. The costume and bike modification fits so well.
If only real UFC fights are this entertaining!
I blame the 2nd BR movie. It went full retard.
Yep, just because a game has a good story doesn't mean it's a visual novel. The problem is that a lot of Japanese games looks like they lack gameplay when directly compared to western games.
Just you wait for HF anime.
Hear, hear; someone with decent taste in VNs. Nicely done summary/introduction too. Anything from Nitroplus is fucking awesome, ANYTHING. My favourite is still Muramasa. Hopefully Necromancer could be a comeback for Nitroplus eroge fans as they've focused their resources too much into mainstream contents such as anime…
I don't think you should call him pathetic if he did so willingly, really. If men can demand women so could they do the same to us. Respect is a two way street. Living in Shanghai really was an eye opening experience, seeing how the men here treat their partners like gods.