Morgan Schulman

Different in that, for a big chunk of history, brown female flesh was seen as the ultimate public property in the U.S.

I'm glad you mentioned them because I think there's something to be said about the success of Taylor Swift but the not-so-much success of other woc who don't have a sexualized image. Jazmine Sullivan is another great example of a talented woc.

I think you're right, but I also think it's telling we're having this conversation about Taylor Swift, and not say... Janelle Monae or Jill Scott.

Lol don't be silly.

It's her body. She can do with it what she wants, so long as she isn't hurting or seriously offending someone (and by that, I don't mean the conservative mommy blogs who always think of the children. I mean something like the Nazi imagery she used). That's feminism.

I have a way simpler solution to all this. Just FUCKING ASK HER WHAT SHE NEEDS.

as long as you know he's most likely going to continue the relationship after you give birth

Sounds very mature and well thought out but I can't help but think that someone is bound to get hurt. I wonder if her husband knows that he's in an open marriage. And what if your husband decides he wants to continue the relationship after the baby is born?

Would he be cool with you seeking outside relations if he couldn't perform, was injured or had an illness?

Yeah, I'm glad it works for them, but she's a far better person than me. As hormonal as I was while pregnant, if I was just sitting at home all puffy and achy and alone, eating ice cream while he was off "meeting his needs" with another woman...OMG I just got mad even thinking about it. And he should be cheerfully

But you don't want to do it because you are pregnant, right? You are making an enormous sacrifice of your body, mind and soul and what is he doing? Fucking others.

When she needed him most he became undependable, a hinderence and just another chore. He was acting out and killed any attraction his wife had for him from that point on.

suddenly you feel like you're in a relationship with Mussolini — or at least an unpredictable, shouty, farty, weepy, complainy hosebeast dictator.

probably my husband wrote this, or at least he could have. Thankfully, I gave birth two weeks ago.

I'm glad it works for you. I would be resentful as all fuck if I was pregnant and my husband got to screw around on the side while I was carrying his child to be brought in to the world.

In other words.............

Seriously, that's incorgible.

"Why corgis, specifically?"

" remember that it's really about your kids."

I really wish I could but between working 40 hours a week + 2 hours a day travelling + attempting to keep my relationship intact and have a fulfilling relationship with my son it's pretty much killing me.