Temptation to start "Help Diplo's Micropenis" gofundme page rising. Rising. RISING.
Temptation to start "Help Diplo's Micropenis" gofundme page rising. Rising. RISING.
Ain't that already a thing? Oh, you mean their actual asses? Hmm...
Which one? Chelsea or Kim?
Its a fat transfer from the waist to the butt which is why Kim keeps saying its "natural" and "not implants" because technically the fat is hers lol. This is possible physically, come to Brooklyn lol
i wouldn't be able to give it the care and attention it deserves :(((
I'm in love with Mr. Jan74.
Yes! Because for each thing I did do, there are at least 10 I didn't get to. It's so frustrating. I was incredibly organized before I had a kid.
I'd also hypothesize that woman in academia hustle to publish more to compensate for having taking one or more maternity leaves.
you are doing more than you think you are. I used to feel the same and now I keep a daily check list of things I have to do and things I'd like to do. Because unloading the dishwasher and taking out the trash and wiping toast crumbs off the counter are " invisible" chores. You don't notice when they are done, only…
I think feeling like a failure is a side effect of being a mother. Every day, my husband comes home and goes "So you [lists shit I did] and still [lists more shit I did]? You are awesome", and I just think of the list of shit I didn't do, like play more with my kids, or clean something, or change the bath towels... I…
Is there something in the study that attributes this increased productivity with pressure to perform to support the family? Maybe the childless men and women are less productive because they are only supporting themselves and therefore don't need that promotion to make the mortgage payments, car payments, and save for…
I was just talking with someone about the expanded definition of 'trolling,' but this story, this headline in particular, contributes to my conspiracy theory that Jezebel is just one gigantic troll to get women to fight amid themselves. Even more than breastfeeding stories, mommy wars stories really bring out the…
I can see this. I literally have zero time at work to screw off. I do not Facebook, or post online, or send personal emails when I'm at work because if I do, that's 15 mins I just lost that I cannot make up at the end of the day or by working remotely at home later because there's these tiny little people who will…
Damn, you should write for AG.
American Girl dolls are a testament to wealthy excess and pompous bullshit. Did you know the stores host parties for American Girl doll owners' birthdays but if a guest shows up with a knock off or a different brand they are not allowed to participate? Meaning only the kids who can afford those overpriced dolls can…
Black people with combs in their hair = stylish cool