Morgan Schulman

I think she probably does, too. But I feel super icky that she's being made fun of for it, particularly with the angle that she's "not all that."

Hey Queef, are you asking me to...check my white privilege?

Yep so true honestly i give up on this site as a British teenager all i ever hear on here is that we are all ugly, we all have bad teeth etc. It doesn't help that i am dealing with my own body issues so maybe next time someone makes a nasty comment about the way we look, just realize that it actually hurts.

Yeah we are. Look how frigging easy it was, on a "feminist" website no less!

Not surprised at the Daily Fail since misogynistic idiocy is their bread and butter. Surprised Jez is reposting it though. But in the spirit of the age, haha, she thinks she's hot but she's ugly and has wrinkles! Also she's British so something about her teeth!

Holy shit, she's 33 years old?! Wow. She doesn't look a day over 2. Good for her.

I was waiting for the British bashing comments, well done.

Oh, internet. We're not going to fall for this again, are we?

Keep in mind one problem is that babysitters are very expensive these days. It's no longer really culturally acceptable to leave your kids with the 14-year-old down the street who learned infant CPR at the YMCA a few weekends ago and slip $30 into her hand after you get home from dinner and a movie or drinks with

33 years old, don't want kids, and don't believe in god here. And I'll be fucked if I call myself childfree or an atheist. People who *~*~identify~*~* as the lack of something are worse than the shittiest of parents. How empty is your soul if you can't find anything other than *not* doing something to create your

You have basically voiced every single concern I've ever had with people who like to force themselves on other people. I am a mother. It is not my only identity. I go out of my way to NOT post any pictures of our kid on social media, and we don't talk about it when we're out with our childless friends as it's not an

This kind of reminds me of how some atheists need to constantly point out their status as non-believers, and degrade others for believing in "the grown up version of the Easter Bunny."

Who do you have to justify this to? I am curious. My mother in law is not supportive of some of my life choices like working, seeking an education, or traveling (with and without my son) but I don't equate her antiquated opinions to the rest of society. I'm aware that there are some people (and maybe I am just lucky

I know recently I've realized anytime somebody I know has a kid I feel slightly betrayed because everything about our relationship is forever changed.

Then justify it specifically to the people giving you shit and leave the rest of us alone. If you are happy with your decision that is awesome, but pushing back on the decision I am happy with making strikes me as a little disingenuous and often makes me feel like some childless people really aren't all that thrilled

THAAAAAAAAAANK YOU!!!!!! For saying this. I don't care or mind AT ALL that other people do not, or may not, or even regret that they have children. It is none of my business. But good goddamn if it doesn't seem like many childless people go out of their way to be dicks about people who do have children. If I get

I'm finding that our friends are sorting themselves into two groups: parents and non-parents. WE are not doing the sorting; they are. This actually started when we announced that I was pregnant - our childfree friends became uncomfortable around us, like they thought it was a kind of betrayal. This has continued,

Yeah I've noticed this. It's weirdly hostile. I give zero shits if you do or don't have kids. Why are you SO ANGRY I chose to have one? I don't talk about it, I don't think I'm better than's just a life choice I made. I see many child free holier than thou people. It's annoying.

It's kind of a bummer. I used to be good friends with a few childfree couples, but the older we get (mid 30s) their childfree status seems to become more and more integral to their identities, making conversation difficult. I refrain from talking about my child, but that doesn't help.

These are really great conversations to have, definitely, but as a side note, can we all just get along? I have a 15 month old son and he is obviously the biggest thing in my life right now. I go out of my way to temper the amount I talk about him at work or on social media or to my childless friends. I would