
Who is this Bill Leach fellow?

Ban everyone that makes an Xibit joke.

Jesse, this is the wrong way to win a woman over.

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Damned: a not so harsh version of fucking.

After driving his car onto the field

Half of the guns I own are because they are "cool".

What kind of rap name is "Steve" anyways.

Rex warms up listening to She's So Hot-Boom on his iPod.

Whiney Matt Dillon

Next question. Did he dance?

BJ Raji?!

The University of Nebraska-Omaha. Every Creighton applicant's safety school.

I'll bet Taylor Martinez is one hell of a rock skipper.

The idiots on local radio were talking about how this game might "finally settle the National Championship debate from 1997"

Shoelace is going to make the Huskers look foolish.

I like the first pair (Esme) better.

I like candycorn mixed with lightly salted peanuts.

Did you guys play Mario Kart?