Now playing

Could be know as “The good no-man-sky”

Just use the setting, but with Fate RPG rules (or Accelerated Fate for even less rules)

“The Ring” fly! (japanese version). Hope you don’t get jinxed.

Surprised no one mentioned that in the first video released, Freeza hits himself with his own discs when dodge... so much attention to detail.

I want a “They Live” version, it would be so cool.

En Internet, nadie sabe que eres un perro.

Master of magic is so good, but I think it wasn’t so generally played as other strategy games, no so many people know how deep it is.

I hear you. Case with Watchdogs 2 and Titanfall 2.

“The project was supposed to be announced next year,”
Then No Man’s Sky went rock bottom, and executives doubt that we could sell this one at 60€.

Guay, ahora a hackearlos... (en el buen sentido de la palabra)

First time I saw Overwatch, I though “this is like Global Agenda combats, from Hi Rez studios, but without MMO and strategy sections”.

Look out, you’re low on life support

Las impresoras 3D solo pueden crear piezas de tamaño moderado. De hecho esa estructura es lo único cread con la impresora 3d, el titular de la noticia debería ser “Crean el cuerpo de una motocicleta con una impresora 3D”. El 80% restante es convencional.

Having so few items, I would just toss them in my pocket... Boom!

or meatbusiness

Ya podíais haber puesto una captura real del juego, en lugar de usar el concept art de la campaña de Kickstarter

El subtítulo de la app podría ser: “¿No eres del todo de raza blanca? ¡Utiliza este filtro!”