

Anyone and everywhere who was involved with not reporting or if they allowed this to go on should be charged in court. Regardless of where they work.

Hear hear, the school consigned children to the hands of this monster and then let him get away with it too all to save face in the public eye. This utter lack of integrity by the staff at Penn State is disgusting.

I feel like I need to take a shower.

Not to blow my own horn here but just another piece of data, I have a IQ of somewhere in the 130-135 range and it doesn't correlate to prodigy level skills at all... Except maybe internet. How does one reach "Professional Level Skills" on the internet? O.o

Don't forget Deviantart comment chains!

That's like 864,000 Years for them.

It sounds like the Minecraft music.

lol, I see what you did there.

Ya Sure Ya Betcha!

Man I love the Halo series but if I didn't know better i would've thought that this video was for a new and improved Starship Troopers videogame.

Nice try. Next time use a burner account.

I'll be honest, most of it was copypasta but I do have the first two words memorized. To my credit. Speaking of anime though, I just rewatched Gantz and man, I forgot how graphic it was

This is the second Owl Photoshop avatar I've met this weekend. This must be destiny.

Pirates, Knights and Vikings?

Ya, Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah-nagl ftaghn.

Beserk is another one. Darker than black as well.

Darker than Black is an interesting one, I would also advise you to watch Outlaw star, Trigun, and I hesitate to add this because of the younger demographic it was aimed at but D-Grayman is good as well once it starts getting closer to the end. As much as I enjoy serious anime with meaningful plot progression I'm

I like it, it has quite well-executed plot progression imo.

You want ultra-violence? I suggest you take a look at Gantz.