
If I climb into a lion's cage then get all surprised when I get mauled by lions is it my fault or the lions? Now that analogy doesn't quite fit because Anon is consciously doing this to her but on the flipside she could easily have saved herself and her family quite a bit of trouble by a little bit of thinking ahead.

One would think she would think about her families safety in all of this and just find a new line of work. Is her reputation that important to her that she put her loved ones on the line? LIke UI said, people have done far worse for much less of a reason.

Indeed, Claiming that there is no IRL threat to yourself or your family when they clearly can get information like social security numbers and other information doesn't sound quite right. There's a place and a time to defend yourself against character attacks and stuff like this but when your family gets involved,

I dunno, they look pretty tough to me.

Why, Why, WHY, Can I not buy this right now. As a student studying Bio-Mechanical Engineering this is like a dream book.

Then die and wake up in tears as you remember what you did.

Why don't you come back to my place, I'll give new meaning to the words "Hard-Drive".

I would wait till the patch, crafting right now as it is is way to damn expensive! That and still no commodities market.

Liquor + Inferno mode A2 and higher + Myself = Death

Jazz Jackrabbit 3 and/or Baldur's Gate 3, My life would be complete.

What kind of drugs are you on, I want some.

Although I'm not sure you can call what we got last winter "Cold" or "winter" for that matter.

So completely off-topic here but I do believe my Avatar is your avatar's cousin from the Innsmouth side of the family.

Excellent book. If only I could fast forward myself.


Not to mention Cobbley.

*ahem* "contrariwise" That is all.

Guess the stars are right.

The new damage absorption dragon-shout "GET EPIDURAL NOW"
