
Your font choice intrigues me.

I now know more about Pedagogy than I ever desired to know, but props man.

It follows along on the theme that the young, nubile teens go out on a camping trip to the stix and end up getting murder-raped by the inbred redneck denizens of said wildnerness. Only in this particular case the roles are reversed and reassigned with plentiful helpings of soft and caring rednecks and accidental

But that would take work!!! And Time!!!!

I used to toss in the Gith when we were doing a Adventure of the plains sort of campaign. Any time you get to visit Baator and Celestia is always a good one.

How cool would it be to see a reference to "The New God of Murder, The Son/Daughter of Bhaal" I would nerd out so hard. I know they mentioned Cyric already but it just doesn't have the same ring to it :P

I used to play with Level adjustment +2, Now it's just not the same.

"Each sweat gland churns out enough ooze to let the fingertip swim in a swamp of it one surfaces." hunh? #Corrections

I have to say I like my Strange Sniper, more for the fact that how often do you see guys with the full headshot immunity pack? Usually any fully charged headshot is enough to take out the other team. Completely opposite is my preference to use the Demoman like a Barbarian, I just equip a 'Screen, Persian, Booties, etc

In the group photo, that blonde Femshep. Should've gone with krogan.

Sorry, the word you're looking for that correctly describes 2 or more dicks in a local area is "Bag". For example, The school of fish swam away, The bag of dicks sued everyone again today.

Speaking of She-Hulk, this is the second post of yours I've commented on in this story.

So you have the girl from the newest one about the south and such but no Atlantis?!? For shame.

Oh god... I hope you're trolling.

:( it went away.. WHY GAWKER WHY. Well Here's to try number 2.

Not the best quality because I don't have fancy Photoshop programs, but asked and answered my good fellow.

"They took him to GameCom!" I loled all over myself :D

dude, aziz has a brother in the starting

If I could do this expression this well I would do it everywhere, all the time, forever. Well Done.

I remember a conversation with an NPC in Fallout: New Vegas that referenced this particularly common trait among players, I believe it went something like this: