
On a completely unrelated note all instances of Chainsaw murder incident solve rates have begun to climb while all suspects not > 6'2" & 250lb. have been ignored as potential criminals.

TF2 Ogre?

Only a matter of time.

"I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite nature photograph of the last 3 hours"

Well done sir, well done.

And so it begins...

If one had the money I would suppose you could build it above ground but make it out of a concrete shell? you could cover that in earth, I would think that that would solve a good chunk of the flooding issues right there. Now how to deal with the winter freeze making all that earth surrounding your house expand from

This is how all those goddamn sparkly flashlights got strewn about Mass Effect


Too soon?

Ghost in the Shell, Please have her do the other, more common outfit the Major usually wears. sweet jesus

Real Starship Captains drink Coffee, that and 7 of 9, who knew borg could be so sexy?

Flawless Victory!

Sounds like the Wii, much like the honey badger, don't give a fuck.

Now that I watch this again and again I agree, watching Boba Fett flail wildly on wire and pulley system is def the best part.

Well Done Sir, I award thee internet points

Obligatory. I guess Obi-Wan taught his mighty dance techniques to Luke.

Fassbender 5, Caprica 6's less famous cousin.

As long as I can assault reporters I'll be happy. As for the multiple discount tomfoolery I don't actually think it gets you real renegade points much to my surprise.

here let me fix that for you.