
Infrastructure, charge time, range - especially for towing and/or in colder climates, price. Also, I don’t purchase a car based on resale, but resale is another reason, albeit a smaller one.

Great show. Now get on with that movie sequel We’re Wolves. Please.

Don’t forget All Dogs Go To Heaven!

“Not quite my lap time!”

Don’t forget Beta

Now playing

That Vanity Fair video of him grooming voice actors is way more relevant now

If he could act, then the part should have gone to Mesut Ozil. However, he is a footballer so there’s still hope.

The grom is stupid fun. Nice one. the others aren’t too shabby either :)

Can you sell this to me please

Family hauler:

He first terrified me in The Golden Child


Agreed. When his name was looped in with what’s-her-face in the sub title I kind of panicked.

Can’t argue with PWCs ranking so low . They’re the BMWs of the sea.

I’m with you. R wagon, manual. It will never happen, but a man can dream

When taking the motorcycle course last year everyone clamoured for the cruiser test bikes while I bee-lined for the Grom. Was smiling the entire weekend. Couldn’t say the same about the other riders.

Don’t forget Horrified, which seems Alien will play similarly to.

Gonna chalk this up to road rage. The entrance to that onramp is notorious for drivers to skip the traffic line queue and cut in at the last minute.

I forced myself by buying a manual car. It was a ratty 1984 rabbit gti and the first car I owned. Haven’t given up manual nor vw for that matter since, despite vw’s hilarious flaws (e.g, electronics.) Can’t wait to teach the kids when they’re of age.