Yuka is not a recent discovery. This appears to be the same one from 2010 that they are working on cloning in Russia.
Yuka is not a recent discovery. This appears to be the same one from 2010 that they are working on cloning in Russia.
They are partcularly nice im messages. The way they work within the 'threads' makes it really neat.
I liked your movie and I loved your comment. Bravo.
Windows Phone is like making love to a beautiful model. The iPhone is like making love to an equally gorgeous model, but lets be honest.. all your friends already did the same woman. Android, that is like making love to your grandmother, just awkward.
Funny, I would have thought that they would go with a name closer to their business style. 'PriceGouge'.
Creepy. But, yet I cannot look away. I want to...but I can't!
Funny, but I have worked for Sprint, Sony, Nextel & Chase Bank. All the worst companies on this list (at one time) crazy how that is. I like to think I made these companies better, all of them left in the end, so maybe not.
In a totally unrelated story. Foxconn is now hiring a new Recruiter.
Yowza!! The attention to detail is fantastic. She is certainly the best I have ever seen for Cosplay. Congrats, keep up the fantastic work.
To sum it all up, 'Should you BUY this game? YES!!!' This has been a test of the Mooncow gut check system.
I like the idea of LSL for PC's iOS & Consoles. But in order to get it to work on consoles I want to be able to purchase a stake in it, which should provide me a copy of the game. I cannot imagine that Microsoft would love the idea of giving it to me for free. Even if I supported it early.
It depends on the Company. I work for one that is U.S Based. They are not bad. Have no dress code. Used to but it was long since abandoned. I have worked for Sprint, Chase, Nextel, Sony. 7 years. Very easy job if you can just take it like a champ and let it roll off of you. I have learned patience but more…
I brought my Xbox into Futureshop/Bestbuy to recycle it. I left the hard drive at home. Later soaked in with the garden hose. Then I took a hammer to it, smashed it to peices. Later yet I smashed it with plenty of big rocks separated the pieces into two different garbage bags and took them out two weeks after each…
GPS is Global Positioning System, meaning the world. To use it on only place in the universe like in Star Trek, would we not need a Universal Positioning System?
Most criminals will not bring a gun into your home for a robbery. They will bring a kniife or another weapon. Statisics prove my point.
Of course I built one online. Of course I do not need one this powerful. Granted I do not know what I built. But it seems like a monster. Here are the specs, only $15,700 (includes 10% off promo)
I am in Canada, we do not routinely have guns in our homes. I would feel unsafe with a gun in my home. I do have a bunch of swords on the walls, this is equally good for a home invasion. Big samurai sword will still scare off potential intruders.
What bothers me most about this crime.
Gamestop has a habit of selling new games for $59.99 & used ones of the same name for $54.99, they are going to have to mark that down considerably to make a used game more attractive. Especially since the game may require an additional cost to get the full version. Why not buy new in that case?