
Color me impressed when Mercedes makes a plaid color option.

I know it is very unlikely, but it is possible. Very, very unlikely. Like 10% unlikely.

Probrably quite a few years. I was not told until grade 6 or so. That was my public schools sex education introduction.

I did not finish the game. Although it was very interesting. I took the code hints from Gobli for my own game when my sequences were not working properly. I spent 300 hours on that game. For a game that was maybe 45 minutes long. I had the town 'Prostitute' in there. Everyone told you not to buy her. If you did, you

This would only work if made in conjunction with Microsoft. Perhaps a partnership with Microsoft and Valve? The ValveBox. Makes sense to me. Microsoft supplies the software then Valve supplies the hardware and support for Steam.

I chose the Xbox 360 over the PS3. Mainly because of Halo. Since then, there are a few games that interested me in PS3. Most games I love are either Xbox 360 Exclusives, or multiplatform. I got the orignal xbox because of Phantasy Star Online. I made my decision and will stick with the next Xbox, no matter how good

There is room for Consoles and Mobile Games to co-exist. I love my Console games at home, love my Mobile Games at work. Saying both cannot exist at the same time is like saying Plasma Televisions will die because LCD/LED are more popular.

Error 404. Not found. I call shenanigans on your claim. I should buy it just because. To teach you a lesson.

I have never used, rarely talked to Lydia. After playing Fallout 3. Fawkes was stealing all my experience. Enough of that. I'm gonna kill those mammoths, not you Lydia.

100 hour games are not defined to a specific category. For instance. I spent about 1000 hours on PSO when I was younger. I spent 400 hours playing that awfully hard RPG Maker 1 for Playstation. I even put hundreds of hours into Shining Force. I loved each and every one. 100 hour games are what you make them.

I hope he survives the 80 hour one. All too often you hear about this thing killing someone, from exhaustion. Good luck.

Takes alot to admit that to another individual. However, I have learned to not do that anymore. Thinking back, I was an idiot. But still knew no better.

I once found a used condom when I was a kid. Blew it up like a balloon. Man did my parents freak out. Very embarrassing. But, hey we are all friends here.

You could do this in Fable for the longest time. I do not see the problem. If you do not want to do this, no one is forcing you.

"Sony was even trying to charge an extra $50 to not install a bunch of horrible crap all over your nice new computer."

I am not worried. I have a WP7. Although, if it happens to these guys. Likely it could happen to Microspft.

I still play Halo Reach. Is one of the best Halos available. I just love the customization.

I am on my second one. First one was the 20GB. Bought it back in 2006. Played it often, but not every day.y. Layed on it's side. Was a great little machine. RROD when playing Fable III. Fixed it, but put it back together wrong. Eject button did not work. Nor did the power button. So could only work with my

I am 65 hours into Skyrim. I only play it for a few hours each night. (2 Hours or so) ther is always something to do of course. Plus the grinding is what makes it fun. It is a challenge. Especially since I rarely buy any games. If I buy a game, it is going to be worth it. Halo or Fable or Skyrim, it's all goodness.

I have never once used to Pirate Bay. Not that it is not useful. Just that I never understood torrents. You download a small file and it grows right? Kind of like how Kazaa and iMesh worked? It has ben too long. Do you just leave it on all night or something?