
I fully agree on the OS part. Way ahead in terms of quality. However, the Voice on the WP7 is awful. Totally does not get my voice. However, when sending text messages, WP& is much more fun. Just some of the things it thinks you said. Makes for some hilarious responses from friends.

Sniffing "Rosemary's Baby" will get you a prison sentance. Or a very angry demonic cult after you.

Yes, but after you have sniped him. Can you teabag him?

I would get the WP7 version for sure. Move along Symbian, nothing to see here.

First Gizmodo article I have ever read that ended in DLC.

I am tired of all the lackluster WP7 devices. I know they do not need much but I want my new WP& to be overly powerful. No one buys a computer with 'Just Enough' specs.

You cannot live up to nostalgia. Therefore Sega, no matter what you do. People will complain. I for one think you are doing great since Generations. Keep it up.

"How in the world are we supposed to expand the gaming audience when a new video game costs $60? Compared to a $15 CD, $12.50 movie ticket, or a $40 TV Season". This makes no sense. If a game costs $60. That is certainly more value than movies. Movies are two hours of enjoyment. Games are 100+ hours in many cases. No

Nail on the head. I'm Canadian.

To reach that, you are going to need a pair of 'PF Flyers' shoes guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher,

Netflix does need some king of 'To Watch List'. Countless times I say I have to watch this later! Only to forget about it and watch some stupid show about aliens riding bicycles next to horses.

Skyrim is not that heavy on text. Most text is optional. Games like Katawa Shoujo are very heavy on text, in many cases it is just dialogue that hits a wall.

I tried PSU. Could not get into it. Just was not the same. However, I will likly pick it up for PC assuming it reached the West.

It's the shipping on eBay that kills me. May as well pay $80 for a $40 sale. The proce is incredibly high for shipping. Local stores are alwasy sold out.

Image that immediately comes to mind is this. Description matches it almost perfectly.

And I cannot find a single one for purchase. Maybe you cornered the market.

Give me Phantasy Star Online 2. Or the original Phantasy Star Online Version 2, with possibly Skies of Arcadia and I am goo. At least this is a step in the right direction. Especially with Seaman coming to the 3DS.

Pfft. You are thinking about 'Of Mice and Men'.

You praise the low power consumption, but most people do not have an outlet by the toilet. Would it be impractical to get one that is battery powered? Since there is very little in terms of electricity needs?

Three words. 'Best Review Ever'. Pure gold. Kepp up all the reviews.