
I bought the "Legend of the Overfiend" when I was about 18. One of my friends was into the sickest things I have ever heard of, was quite a nut job. We put this on and he left the room, he could not take it. Funny thing that, lol.

It's been tried before. They gave up way too early.

I do not know why someone would steal so many phones. At least steal a phone that is going places. One that is worth it to steal. Steal Windows 7 Phones. If you have ever used one, you may certainly agree.

The funny thing is that Kevin Costner owns the technology to clean up this world as well as ours.

My thoughts exactly and I am a Catachumen? (RCIA). Could not spell that word if my life depended on it. Your thoughts echo my own.

65 hours in. Not heard it once. But it is catchy. Look forward to hearing about it.

it gets my kids off the couch as well as myself. If done right it is family gaming at it's finest.

What we need here is, a fight between Amanda Lucas and Gene Roddenberry's daughters. Albeit they are a bit older.

Spoiler. It was just a mosquito.

But, being a ninja, you can easily do so stealthily. Or evade if the need arises.

The term 'Sharpness" should only be reserved for knives and sharp instruments. Images are not sharp, they are crisp. Much like a potato chip.

Only UMD's I have ever purchased were Crisis Core for $39.99 and "Monty Python & The Search for the Holy Grail for $10. I have not played it in years, but my PSP1000 was the go to for my MP3 collection. But the lack of the shuffle option phased it out.

Anyone who played and liked the original Alan Wake will love this. I seen this on Joystiq, ws wondering when Kotaku would post their thoughts. I will be getting this when my burning Skyrim addiction recedes.

More Xbox games should be brought over to the PC. Considering Microsoft is 90% of the PC market it is crazy that they do not. They could be getting so much more revenue.

Funniest thing about killing villagers in Fable. You can kill 100 or so, and once you get caught by the guards, you can pay the hefty fine, or take on a mission. So I take on the mission. 'Alright Son, go kill some Hobbes", like really, I just killed countless people. Now I am free if I kill a few Hobbes.

I never really feel bad for killing NPC's especially in Fable. since that game has an eerie way to make a NPC say something about you.."Wife Killer". Or He's the one that killed Whisper. So I kill em all. Kinda felt bad that I killed a guard in Skyrim to fill my soul gem. But, I did apologize and said I was high

Gaming Portables. They are here to stay. And, condoms break girls. Deal with it.

I had seen that, not a bad little device. But a new Genesis could be a great thing. It could be a indie gamers heaven.

In other news.. Sega has announced the newest console. The Re-Genesis. it will be just like the previous Genesis, with updated technology. Bluetooth Wireless remotes, Wifi access to download every Sega game available. All on the consoles 64 GB Solid State Drive.

If Microsoft is working on one, you can bet they will not be far behind. This is the time when the company spies come out. I do not want to make any predictions, I know better. I can see the PS4 about a year after the new Xbox. I do not have any dates in mind. I really hope they go for something much more powerful. I