
I can understand the websites reasoning. They had something that was newsworthy and they went with it. Nothing wrong there. Especially since it is not big news. We all expected this game. Which begs the question, why does Activision care? Not like this is bad press and it is not likely to slow the sales train of the

Maybe having toethumbs like Megan Fox? Or was it ThumbToes. You get the idea.

I love the new Windows Logo. Very minimalistic. Anonymous, I liked them at first, but with what they do, it leaves very little impact. I compare it to a bee sting. Stings at first, but you get over it.

The Zune Music Player is very popular still. Not as popular as the iPod, but it has a ravenous anddedicated following. I would have loved to get one myself. I have to say, Zuze software was my favorite. If that is what they use on my Windows Phone, that is fantastic.

How is the WiFi in your cell block? lol

My Sister in law. Just her bubbly personality got her dismissed. Right from the selection. Easy thing to do too if you do not want to be there. When they are both looking to select you (defendants lawyer and presecutor. Just smile and wave at the potential criminal, you better beleive you won't be picked.

I have to say, this looks like a great time to invest some of my hard earned money into some Microsoft Stock. It's going to be glorious.

We need more on screen enemy encounters. Like in Robotrek & Dragon Quest Monsters Joker. There is something to be said for avoiding battles, if you really do not want to fight, why make us?

My wife will still not play this game. It is far too scary she says. She also does not like watching it, as she finds it to be scary even watching it. I can only take small bits of it, it is one game that makes me anxious. I do not know why, it just does. It is a fantastic game however. I still play mine from time to

The dark haired lady reminds me so much of Elvira Mistress of the Dark.

There will always be a market for handheld gaming devices. I would much rather purchase a game on my Playstation Vita or other handheld device. I hate gaming for the most part on a Mobile Phone. The lack of buttons is very frustrating. Plus using your fingers can obscure the screen more. Mobile Gaming is still Niche,

I plan on planting some of these in my garden next year. They would not be super strong, as I am in Ontario, we do have good soil but naturally they would be weaker. Plus I hear they are great for keeping the wild animals away.

I never understood why people smoked Cigarettes. I made a smart decision when I was 12. I thought it was cool, but I had no job, no money, hated asking for cigarettes, possibly deadly and tasted just awful. How people can see the positive, I will never know. It just boggles the mind. I really loved the commercials

MechAssault, also made me one of the top 5 most hated people on Xbox Live, it was likely my poor connection. It was something terrible, but never seemed to have much lag considering.

I am right with you. Played MechAssauklt for hundreds of hours. My PSO, they had over a thousand hours. It was crazy. I would gladly take both on again.

I am not so much a fan of Zelda. It is a great game for some. Give me some Landstalker anyday. That is where my dreams lay.

Would love a MechAssualt. Never played a game so much for original Xbox. Now that game was quite fun. I lived my Bowman. Quite a beast of a thing. I eagerly await your return.

We wife is still upset they changed the Halo Combat Evolved Cortana from the nice looking one, to what my wife calls, 'Pig Face Cortana'.

I save multiple times. 5 different save files and I overwrite each one often. Mine is the 360 version. Friend just told me today his PS3 is unplayable now. That would suck. I suggest many save files.

I like the images, not bad. Very colorful and shows no skin. We need more like this.