
I do not really care if Microsoft Tracks me. I have a Windows Phone 7. As what can they possibly use that location data for? I still love my phone. I just want more WP7 Games.

I am not single anymore. However I used to play Magic, recreationally. It was a fun game. I would be impressed with anyone who was that dedicated. Did she think that he was too dedicated and would not have enough time for her? I do not know what she was thinking. The way she acted was totally awful. I would never want

I just got my HTC Surround. It is older I think. Amazing to use for me. So much that my wife is getting one as well. I am truly impressed on the new Windows 7 devices.

I do not understand the whole iPhone thing. I looked at it. Was not interested in the userface. I wanted a better looking device, a smoother device. I went with the HTC Surround. A Windows 7 Phone. Never regretted it. Love that phone. Awesome. Misgt be for some popele. Not for me, no iPhone for me.

Just got my Windows Phone 7 yesterday. Lovin it. Awesome device. Keep up the good work Microsoft.

I remember Big the Cat. He was so mentally retarted. Made me hat playing the game with him in Sonic Adventure. That and how slow me moves. Awful character.

I liked Sonic Unleashed. Great game. Very fast, you sure die quite alot. But the boss battles are quite hard. Not like adventure.

Thinking about getting the HTC Surround 7. Get it for $0 on a 2 year term. Is that a good phone? I do not know windows 7 phones. IIs there a newer one out?

I am very excited. Can't wait. Gonna love my new WP7. Hope the data plans do not kill me. Ca't wait for achievements.

I think she did a great job Bravo. Both of them look great as Cosplayers.

Must get Phantasy Star Online 2. Best game ever. Need my HUmar, kill rappies, hunt for red boxes. Please U.S Release and console. I can't PC game at night, no PC. Please Sonic Team, I will even get a Hunters License.

Ned! Ned Ryerson..BING! That should be the new slogan and adman.

Yeah I am 29. I would totally buy this game. My 5 year old loves it already after we borrowed a Kinect from a co-worker. Great device, really need the zoom lens by Nyko tho. I love the look of the game, never seen a game with such beautiful level design. Only problem that was in the game was the Fairy. If he could

I would buy all of the anime ones if I could afford them. I dont wanna 'Bust' open my wallet tho.

I work for Sony and I hate it when customer think that the digital zoom is ultra cool. I tell them to disregard that number as the important number is the Optical Zoom, same as the dynamic contrast ratio on televisions, junk number for the most part.

Jurassic Park 3 was the Rocky 5 of Dinosaur movies. We all wish it never came, but maybe Jurassic Park 4 can redeem, like what Rocky Balboa did for the series.

The sad thing is when you buy this One Million Dollar Game, you get to play it. On a $25.00 Used Japanese Mega drive. It just don'r seem right.

I would never buy an apple iPod. I already got an 8GB Sony Walkman. Beautiful product. No need to overpay for it. Nice screen and interface. Maybe aple is better but not for me. Not for me.

Why could'nt Netflix just do the $1.00 more per month dance, would have certainly worked out better. Now I am pondering more options, but being in Canada, options are still limited

I have an annoucement to make. I have recently recruited two more gamers into my family.