
You ever been to a nude beach, many of the bodies there you would never, ever want to comit to video. I shudder to think about it.

Remember. It was Anon that attacked Sony. However it was Sony who decided to re-structure the network. Anon just let them know how weak it is. The huge downtime was caused by Sony not Anon. Downtime was optional.

I disagree. I happened to like 'The Library'. It was confusing, (like any good alien structure should be). Plus you could actually die frequently on it, the level was a challenge. I really did not like the '343 Guilty Spark' that level I found to be annoying.

If the regular xbox sales keep dropping like this, I am affraid it may get discontinued.

Seaman, Skies of Arcadia, PSO (although avail on other systems) Lots of others but I cant remember the names.

Somewhere in a far off land, Bill Gates is helping the less fortunate. He don't give a crap about his stock value. He just wants to help people.

I'm calling it. Alan Wake vs Shenmue.

The RROD was not a good thing. Of course neither is the PSN outage. I have been lucky. I still have the 360 20GB Pro and to top it off it is still my first one from launch. So the RROD was not every system as mine is unscathed. If you are talking damage. The PSN outage and RROD are not on the same scale. Sure it sucks

Very funny, but the lead female ape (the blonde one) looks very much like Goldie Hawn.

This game was the WOW of my time. I even sold games and other items to pay for my ISP and Hunters Liscence. Back when it came out I was 17 or so. Still not old enough for a credit card to pay for my HL.

If it looked like the game picture. I would love to play that game too. Beautiful (I mean the backgrounds)

So. No buddies? I kind of liked Tails, except on the bonus levels where he would always get hit and lose the rings he collected (sonic 2)

No news when it will hit XBox Live? Thats the only way I will play it, I won't buy a PS3 even for this, my PSP has CFW on it. Best FF game ever but nope, still not getting it. I may get FF VII but that will never get a remake.

I would certainly not call myself a fanboy, nor would I group into the Hardware Loyalist. I have owned a NES, SNES, GBA & SP, NDS, GENESIS, GAMEGEAR, DREAMCAST, 3DO, PSX, XBOX, XBOX360 I have never owned a PS2 or PS3 as I never liked any of the games, none stood out and said 'buy me'. Same with the Gamecube, N64 or

What is needed here is a bar that raises before and after a train leaves. So when the train leaves the bar goes back down. Kind of like sliding doors from star trek but going up to about 4 feet. Problem solved as they go down when the train gets there. Back up when it leaves.

The real games were link cable games like Command and Conquer on the Playstation One. Those games were totally all night fests. When you heard the 'a-bomb launch detected' you certainly scattered your troops or prepared for most of your power plants to be destroyyed. Good times.

I say maybe 2 hours of games per day is great for kids. It does teach problem solving skills. However that also depends on the game that you are playing. Take games like Patapon which teaches communication and problem solving. Other games like Fable are more linear and teach you to be cuatious and curious at the same

@RightFootStar: Try saying that this line is both artificial and tottally a homo.

I play games with my five year old daughter all the time. She loves anything from Sonic to Halo to Fable III. She is still learning but I could easily tell you that time spent while playing games together is time spent bonding. I do not need to know the results of some survey to read the smile on my little girls face

@qbrad: totally right. ever notice that the book John candy is reading in the airport is called "The Canadian Mounted" with a woman in red tights on the front? Classic. I even tried to find that book. It does not exist.