
I can see it now. My friends pointing and laughing at me while I pet a virtual tiger with Kinectimals. Arcades, its not just personal humiliation anymore.

I for one love Achievements. If they are hacked I would find no value in them. I like to be rewarded for playing a game, plus it helps me to explore the lesser known aspects of a game I never would have even looked at. Also it can tell you at a gglance how much you have achieved. I am at about 6700/20,000. Becuase

I can understand a temporary lapse in judgement about leaving a baby unattended, but for 10 minutes in a bathtub? I have a little child and for the first 6 months I was contantly at the crib, fretting that they would stop breathing. I was always worried and checking on the baby. Like any good parent you should be

At first I looked at the picture and said to myself, my god I am on Fleshbot at work. Only until I was staring at the picture for 1 minute (yes, one minute as I was drawn into the picture) that I realized the underwear. Some men look there first but I had to take in the whole package.

What these airplane manufacturers are missing is the important aspect. Safety, what about some type of ejector system. Now that is what would make me more comfortable in an airplane. I want to fly knowing that I can survive. Possibly a removable roof that can shoot out the seats with an attached parachute.

Best article ever. If not for the actual article, for the hillarious comments below. Stay classy Kotaku.

Sega. This has gone on far too long. Either give us some good Dreamcast games or make a new Console.

Olivia Munn, not related to Eddie Munster (which is a good thing)

@psycoking: I loved halo ODST. The story is great, the combat is excellent and the weapons have a Combat Evolved feel to them. I really enjoyed it. My only gripe is that there are not enough Elites in the game. It is more Grunts and Brutes.

I have a question, if I get Bayonetta. Due to the sexy main character, will my wife/gf look at this and say "you are a pervert"?

@psycoking: I would say that Halo ODST was one of the best in the series, the controls and weapons felt much closer to Halo Combat Evolved. Plus the grenades are more realistic when thrown. I love the combat dialogue the best. I still like Halo: Reach a bit better. But ODST for me is a very recently discovered gem.

@psycoking: ODST is one of the best for sure. Gameplay mechanics are great, just like combat evolved. Plus the combat dialogue is much better.


One thing escapes me. How can he be telling the story when it was Sam's book. Besides even more importantly Frodo went on the boat at the end of the movie.

So, technically in Alfred Hitchcocks movie the birds. The result of them going crazy could be quantum mechanics or the earths field. I did not see that coming!

HDMI Cables. People assume that the higher price is going to be a better signal. One of the biggest rip offs going is the HDMI or HD Starter Kits. Which give you a CD that shows how to install the cable. One 6 foot cable. One 12 foot HDMI cable and a standard s-video cable. All for the low, low price of $99.99. What a

The Nintendo DS. People still buy games for. However I feel it is because they have not found the awesome item that is the Acekard or R4. I know mothers who buy these games fe kids. If you know moms, you know they like to save a buck when they can. It is just common sense. However to all those out there that still

@Fletcher: I just seen Fletch for the first time 2 days ago. It is actually a pretty funny movie. Not like any of Chevy Chases other moves. Plus his love interest in the movie is gorgeous. Trust me it is worth a shot.

I just picked myself up a new game. Hardest game I have ever played. I challenge anyone to beat this game. Even on Normal or Easy it is super freaking hard. It is called "The Lion King" for Sega Genesis. It is not new, but it is new to me. Good luck. You can't do it!

@WhoKnew?: The people who work at my Gamestop/EBgames do not try to force anything on you. Thety do offer things like disc insurance. If you take it that is fine, no pressure.. No skin off thier balls. Plus the guys that work there 4 of them are about 25-30 years old. So they are okay.