
"researchers freeze-dried it, and were pleased to find it twenty percent more rich in nutrients than previously estimated. "I do not like where this is leading to the ice cream industry.

I do not know about you. But when I get stopped at airport security. They ask what is in your bag? I sure aint gonna tell them a Razor Switchblade. No fly list immediatly.

I am new to Pandora. Always wanted to give it a try. Is there a box that I can purchase that will allow me to use Pandora in a much older car? As I said I am new and would very much love this service for my wife.

That is not a bad price. Only $10.00 per roll. Todays standard 35mm film costs about $14.00 per roll around here. I would say that he got quite a good deal for the developing costs. Great Gizmodo article.

Yes to the Fable III new Coin Golf. It was fantastic in the earlier Fable . If we just had Fortunes Tower, and Blackjack. Lastly add on the delightful game, Hat, Headbabd or Mustache.

No Sir, I don't like it. I thought the same of Alan Wake. The story to me is very gripping and I love it to death. My wife refuses to play the game as she finds it too scary. I am very happy with my $20.00 boxing day purchase. Best game I bought. I look forward to trying it on the nightmare difficulty.

Was already done, kind of. Phantasy Star Online. Stupid H.L. And THAT was not even optional for online play.

I prefer sega swirl. Put that on the arcade Microsoft.

Mars needs women.

So the only way we are getting off this rock, is if a much smaller rock decides to pay us a visit and wipe out 1/3 of our population. Talk about stubborn. What will happen is the Government will just say, "we would like to go into Space travel technologies, but the cost to rebuild is just so high that it will take

For reasons I do not know of I had noticed something.

Self-Replicating Replicators. I seen this on an episode of Star Trek. I love those tribbles.

If I could offer one peice of advice to the class of 2010, it is this.

This should be the #1 newThis should be the #1 new years resolution on all gamers lists.

Just got Sonic Adventure. Anyone lese have issues with that. It is like, "Hey Sonic, Hey Tails, lets go get some chaos emeralds. One is bound to be in that direction. Go find it. (with very little explination as to where to go). I played it years ago but have a hard time navigating that game, plus the camera angles,

Here is what 2011 will need form Sega. A new Shining Force game. That is all.

@Diamond Sea: Microplay? Man I miss that store. We used to have one around here in Ontario, till they pulled out around 198 or so. Great store. Clerk sold me video games, that fell off a truck. Probrably he was part of the reason they failed around my area. I just wish they had a better website, I would totally buy