
I know we’re supposed to not laugh when people die, but geeze.  He was just outmatched on every level.  Williamson did better than him, which is just... ouch.  He also looks way too much like Rick Scott to ever gain traction among anyone who likes not being terrified on their representatives.

I cannot believe such a limp, plodding, and unfunny script has resulted in what’s currently an 89 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

Just want to point out that Samantha Bee has invited male candidates who aren’t polling high to drop out on her show too.  Frankly, if at this point you’re not above 5%, you’ll never gain traction in this crowded field.

Why is it that in these situations 12-year-olds are “women” but in offices when we’re 35 we’re referred to as girls.

This is exactly what drove me into skepticism. I was 16 when it came out, and loved a lot of these mysteries and such. And I remember telling people how amazing this movie was because it was real. And then I found out that all the “documentaries” were fake and it pissed me off.  I felt like an idiot.  Because they

He’s an old white dude. That’s why he didn’t know or care how it affected young POC.

I actually wrote a paper about this book in college.  The course was “Self in Life and Literature” and the novel is a really interesting examination of the concept of self and how self-awareness influences behavior.  It’s kind of a deep read.

It was so good.  I have loved the book for a long time, but I feel like this was the best kind of adaption - slimming some things while adding some nice things.  I’m a little concerned by the fact that Amazon lists it as “Season 1.”  Are there plans for more?  

But how much Mothra is there in it?  Honestly, that is the only reason I want to see the film in theaters, because I love Mothra, and it looked cool in the trailers, so, is there decent Mothra in the film?

Seriously, dude, just direct porn.  That seems to be what you want to do.  Just be honest about it instead of trying to direct porn on the sly.

I have HSV-2 and am on Valtrex. I’m also a woman, which makes transmission chances incredibly low. I have had casual condomed sex without disclosure, but then you have to disclose if it goes somewhere. That ended a potential relationship for me (which I completely understood.) However, I did that with another guy, and

I’m confused.  If this is a sequel to a movie that restores her to a person defending herself and taking control of her fate against the really evil people, why is the movie called “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil?”  Does she turn evil in this movie?  Because the first movie clearly made her not evil.

Any chance the movie might be available streaming there?  It seems so strange to me that it’s not anywhere except physical.

Unless you’ve been the victim of murder, you have no place to compare your experience with being murdered.

I almost feel like, despite Carol Danvers’ reveal as having been in the US military and a good person, the fact that her big emotional arc is built around her rejecting her role as a good soldier who just follows orders in order to do what is right is inherently anti-militaristic. Yes, the US military is using her for

I got a call the other day that began “Dear Citizen” and then started to inform me that they were calling from some government agency.  Sure.  “Dear Citizen.”  Sound legit.

Using the basis of “bringing me joy” as a reason to get rid of stuff would not work for me.  I have a ton of clothes that I have gotten rid of that I don’t wear but I liked and brought me joy.  I’d never get rid of anything because literally everything I own brings me joy.  That pair of jeans that I haven’t fit into

Ah yes, another entry in the eternal story of “when women do it, it’s frivolous and stupid, when men do it, they’re changing the world.”  Also, another entry into “tech-bros pretend they invented something that people have been doing for thousands of years.”  These people exhaust me.

My parents were out at a dinner party/fundraising type thing and when they talked to the host a few days later, found out that it went well except that one table left without paying.  They were horrified to find out that it had been their table!  They had left cash, and someone had walked off with it.  They went back

This would read way more sincere if she hadn’t insisted originally that she was right and that the child was being trafficked and they were waiting for the dude who bought the kid to get off the plane.  That’s a huge narrative to build around this.