
Well, now the Nobel committee has an easy out for why they can’t give her the award, since they don’t award anything posthumously. I would love to see them finally just get it together one year and give the award to all those female “silent partners” who did incredible work that allowed the men who received the award

It’s kind of disappointing that we continue with the stories that people made up about an eccentric but sane and very rich woman who didn’t fit into normal society. She didn’t believe in ghosts. 90% of the stories we’ve heard about it aren’t true. She didn’t even live there most of the time. I recommend reading a bit

I have an ongoing discussion with anyone who’s seen “Black Sheep” (the NZ sheep horror/horror-comedy/comedy?) as to whether it’s actually a good movie or a so-bad-it’s-good-movie. I tend towards actually good because it is honest with what it is, but then again, it can be super campy and it’s a NZ horror movie about

I had a conversation with my husband a couple of nights ago when he asked me why I care about all this stuff when things will never be perfect. And I said that I truly and deeply believe that it is the duty of all people on this planet to try to make the world a better place for everyone, one day at a time. Will this

It pretty much doesn’t matter how many women make the same allegation against a man or how much evidence of wrongdoing they have. There will always be men (and women) who defend the man, or at least attack the women instead. But a list like this could act as a warning to women to be careful around these men. And maybe

I work at a small family-owned business. My family’s business. And when I was a teenager, my uncle (my mom’s sister’s husband) would make jokes about how it was okay that I was attracted to him because we weren’t blood related. So, literally nowhere is safe. I will say that after the third comment and me telling him

How dare the Food and Drug Administration regulate food?! That’s so Big Brother! And dude - you can put a cute little picture on the front saying “made with love” but you just can’t list it on your federally regulated ingredient list. Sheesh. There are a thousand ways to comply.

I was curious about the “Bake Me a Story” and, well, it looks cute. It has short stories with nice illustrations, recipes for young people to try out, and a multi-ethnic set of illustrated characters. I mean, I get that she probably got published because she was on a tv show, but isn’t dismissing the books because

I’m perpetually amazed that he actually thinks that he served his time, meaning he really does believe that 48 days in prison is totally enough time to pay for what he did. Uh huh.

Welp, we’re all doomed. Those people who claimed that Trump and Hillary were the same - Hillary would never have nominated someone so awful for SCOTUS. And here we are, about to have all of our rights taken away.

Considering some of the non-Sarah Connor related movies he made, like True Lies which is weird, I really don’t think he is in a position to comment. The worst part is that he is the ultimate mansplainer - here women, let me tell you why this movie made by a woman and that many women love is not really a good movie,

I can’t help but think - how dumb is the phrase “bump cancer” as a slogan? What does it even mean?

Are we sure she isn’t just Sarah Palin without makeup?

Didn’t he claim, when explaining why they hadn’t opened as a shelter yet, that there was flooding on the first level? And they were going to open once they had cleaned it up? Or am I remembering someone else. Because now it sounds like he is admitting that there never was any flooding.

Maybe they should update his title to “abusive, racist father of gynecology.”

Thank you. This pisses me off to no end. These aren’t the artifacts of a country that was invaded. It isn’t the monumental architecture of a lost civilization. It’s a bunch of bullshit pushed by people after the fact to remake the past and glorify the horrendous things that their ancestors did. It would be as if

Some asshole on another site made the argument that these monuments should stay up in memory of the regular people who were forced to fight because this was their homeland. Bullshit. These monuments are to the leaders of a group of traitors who were pissed that they weren’t allowed to own people. I had ancestors on

If you support the republicans, you are either racist or okay with racists. You can be racist and vote democrat, but if you are using your one vote to support the party that actively courts and supports racists and racist policies, then you are pro-racist. I don’t care why. Are you so selfish that you don’t want to