We don’t even bow to actual royalty. We’re Americans. That’s why we kicked England out to begin with. I know a lot of Americans have this royalist mentality, but if we were to get a dictator for life, I think most of us would prefer Obama. Thanks.
We don’t even bow to actual royalty. We’re Americans. That’s why we kicked England out to begin with. I know a lot of Americans have this royalist mentality, but if we were to get a dictator for life, I think most of us would prefer Obama. Thanks.
I feel like this 9/11 joke I heard is appropriate right now:
The best way to determine if the salon is likely working alright is to check the prices. It takes about an hour to do a full manicure. If they are charging $15 or less for that manicure, there’s no way they’re treating their employees well. If the prices are higher, and the people working are able to communicate with…
Why was his not asking her parents for their permission to marry her a red flag? She’s a damn adult and her parents don’t need to tell him if he can ask her. It’s a stupid tradition, and frankly, if my fiance asked my parents permission to marry me, I’d dump his ass. I make my own decisions. We can tell them that…
You always hear that in these stories. People complain about their health insurance rates going up, even though they went up higher or weren’t even able to get health insurance before (or they had a plan that covered nothing.) People complaining about the economy, but they then say that they are in a better position…
The kicker for me was when she said “your word is your bond.” That’s just not a really common turn of phrase. I don’t think I’d ever use that phrase. And it’s the exact same phrase Michelle Obama used in her speech. I mean, I understand that writing a speech is hard, but if she can’t think of anything good to say…
Is it too late to ask for recommendations for a first dance song? I actually want a tango (since both the future and I are trained ballroom dancers) and I want it to be short, but nothing is really coming to me. Any recommendations would be really appreciated. Also, any non-tango but interesting songs that have a bit…
While I understand your point on a certain level, I will also point how much of a shitshow Congress and the Senate have been with the current divides. If a presidential nominee wants any chance at actually accomplishing something during their time, it is in their own best interest to work to ensure that people who…
This entire election is “build-your-own-candidate.” They are both surrounded by people saying “yes, that is what the candidate said they will do, but they will totally do something else.” In his case, he won’t be as awful as he sounds like he’ll be. In her case, she will be infinitely worse than her stated policies.
Can we just stop providing federal funding for religious-based schools?
Michael Barbaro went to high school with Ross Douthat. Isn’t the world a strange place?
As a feminist planning a wedding, what I really don’t understand is our constant need to explain ourselves. Do you want an engagement ring? Does it matter why? I mean, you’re a feminist. It’s about doing what you want to make yourself happy. If that means an engagement ring, do it, because accepting a gift from…
One of many reasons I was always happy to be a mezzo. Mezzos and altos never die of TB, only real sopranos.
Not exactly real doctors - FTFY
Yes! Organic pesticides which can be more harmful to the environment (including bees) or used in higher quantities because they are less effective. Organic does not mean no pesticides, and it amazes me that “organic” food suppliers have convinced people that this is true.
So cute! Black kitties FTW!
You all know that sailboat isn’t an inch over 40'.
Wait - if he wants to basically tear Wall Street down - how would states use Wall Street success? Or has he explained how these two plans would work with each other?
He’s an asshat wearing a half-mask filtering face-piece respirator with NO FILTERS! What an idiot.
I can’t even. She does a “Moroccan”-themed party and serves EARL GRAY!!! No one in Morocco drink Earl Gray! They drink green tea with mint and lots of sugar. She clearly does not know anything about these parties she’s supposed to be throwing. And none of the food she was serving was even remotely Moroccan. What an…