I feel like anyone who would genuinely want this is far too young to be getting into sexy times...
I feel like anyone who would genuinely want this is far too young to be getting into sexy times...
I’m amazed by the people who are worried about student debt and paying for their childrens’ college and who are planning on voting for republicans who absolutely have no desire to do anything to make college more affordable. I mean, talk about voting against your own interests.
I feel like the only way we’ll get this to stop is for it to stop mattering. Like - the guys involved in the sex videos never get any backlash. There never seems to be the judgement towards men (especially considering how freely many of them send dick pics.) So I feel like the only time men will stop posting revenge…
Haven’t there been studies done it Europe that show that drinking low amounts of alcohol when pregnant doesn’t affect the developing fetus? And also - is there a recent uptick in birth defects that would promt this now? And how the hell did we as a species survive at times when water was unsafe to drink and most…
I doubt the Macaque’s name is really Naruto - so how much does PETA really care if it’s insisting on using the poor animal’s slave name in this lawsuit?! I bet they never even asked her her name. Hypocrites.
My fiance and I are exactly the opposite from the norm. He really loves my intelligence and educational/business success. I love that he’s happy, really hot, and makes me laugh (though I guess that’s a stereotype.) I realized a long time ago that I was never going to meet my equal, or if I did, he wouldn’t want me…
I was at a professional ethics meeting and some guy made the same comment of “well, I was beaten as a kid and I turned out fine. That’s the problem with kids today.” And I was just like “Did you just advocate, at a professional ethics meeting, beating children?” He didn’t hear me, but I just could not believe that…
I love this idea, but why are all of these designed for people who live in places where there are already tons of ways to meet people? I mean - New York? It’s huge, with tons of meetup groups and so much stuff to do. We need this in the suburbs. Those of us who have ended up in these places (like my part of CT which…
Hell, the Mormons were outlawed - and they were white! I mean, does she want state laws or national laws. There were laws directly relating to race and religion, and then there were the indirect laws like drug laws that were created to persecute minorities. I assume she must be stupid. I mean, I can’t see what evil…
It seems like the complaint is that the stuff is out there. But - get this - you control how you use the internet! If your Facebook is full of stupid people saying stupid stuff - hide or unfriend those people! If your twitter feed is full of stupidity - change who you follow! If you want to gouge your eyes out when…
I try not to comment on this kind of thing - but I had Lyme Disease back in the early 80’s, when it was new enough that it look almost a year for me to be diagnosed. I also was incredibly young. And I had to be hospitalized. But that was back in the early 80’s, not too long after the disease was discovered. It has…
My mom kept her last name when my parents got married 35 years ago. My brother and I have my dad’s name, but we grew up having no confusion about the fact that my parents had different last names. Amazingly, when you raise your children that we are a family with two last names, it’s not really confusing. People seem…
At first I was with everyone rolling their eyes about the whole issue of sex - I mean, how hard is it to keep it in your pants. Then I remembered the numbers of military that buy the services of trafficked women when they serve overseas. Not just our military, but most militaries. I can’t help but wonder if some of…
Seriously, though, the American Girl-Williams-Sonoma crossbranding makes so much sense. No one can afford American Girl dolls and shit except people who can afford Williams-Sonoma. It’s the exact same demographic.
I’m more popular than Cheesus. (A joke that actually predates this...)
How would one certify the virginity of a guy? Also, just because she has an intact hymen doesn’t mean she’s a virgin... (Not saying she isn’t, just saying that it’s not a 1:1 correlation)
Since my fiance and I are having three weddings (one extremely low-key just for the paperwork, one official one in the US, one official one in his country of origin) we have split based on geographical location of wedding. So I plan the US wedding, he plans the one is his country (though that will probably be a year…
So I don’t call anyone out - you don’t have to date anyone you aren’t attracted to. But the difference between racist and not racist on this is how much does it define you? Do you refuse to even think about dating someone from a different race? Do you actually say to people “I’m not attracted to black guys” or “I…
GROPING! GROPING! GROPING! Can NOT be misinterpreted! GROPING! It’s not something you accidentally do. It’s not something that can be misinterpreted. It’s not something colleagues like you to do. If it was comments, if it was the massages (which are creepy, but can be okay for some people), there could be an argument.…