
Maintenance costs really add up on commuter bikes. Tires are expensive and there’s no getting around that, but $500 valve adjustments every 6 months to a year + oil changes + gas = $$$

That is the happiest family I’ve ever seen.

I always hated frameless doors. Too flimsy and easy to break into. Plus they just make a car feel cheap.

WHY CAN’T THERE BE A NEW DICK BURNS RALLY GAME??! I know he’s dead but still... We need this.

Depends on where you live but generally speaking, gas taxes, title fees and tolls only pay for a fraction of the total cost for all the roads and infrastructure you insist only car drivers pay for. The majority of road funding usually comes from a state’s general fund which is paid into by everyone regardless of

Congratulations on paying for a small percentage of the roads you use.

Everyone pays for the roads (unless you’re a Trump-level tax cheat). Whether or not you have a car is irrelevant.

This post is essential reading.

4Runners have surprisingly meager headroom. I’m only 6' 2" and my head comes dangerously close to the ceiling.

I assume you can put the back seat down - it is a wagon after all.

Seth Rogan makes an excellent high-school basketball announcer.


There is no suspension travel on a MotoGP bike, so even with the spiked tires there are going to be a lot of problems with traction and suspension movement over the uneven surface of that ski slope.

The middle class is dead and getting deader, so yes that really is what I’m saying.

Yes, don’t buy food for your family, buy stock in a market poised to crash.

Current year: racism probably true and underreported.

No bigger than a Previa. Even a little shorter since it’ll be electric and there’s no need for the front under hood mechanicals.

Then you live and work in the wrong place.

-That giant hideous fake grill