I don’t think those came with locking diffs but maybe you’re including that in the 2k?
I don’t think those came with locking diffs but maybe you’re including that in the 2k?
The old one looks nicer actually.
Unless you’re drinking it neat, a little ice melting is perfect for whiskey. If you don’t want it watered down just put less ice in it.
Unless you’re drinking it neat, a little ice melting is perfect for whiskey. If you don’t want it watered down just…
Hence not paying these dudes huge contracts into their 30s
It’s amazing how aging 8 years ages a person :/
That’s the one place having old models actually helps!
Looks like someone stepped on a Previa then blew it back up again.
I think you’d get the opposite. All the braking grip on the front is great, the front suspension is too soft and that’s why it’s doing a stoppie. More rear braking won’t do anything if the rear end is light (or off the ground) and the only way to prevent that is to have less overall front stopping power, which will…
While insulting veterans with actual combat experience who suffer from Ptsd by calling them weak.
Ditch the upper grill completely and it’ll probably look OK.
How is creaky and rattly is the interior? I’ve been driven in countless brand new Prii via Uber and every single one of them has sounded like being in my old 81 Datsun. Camrys and other Toyotas don’t seem to have this problem...
What track is that? Looks amazing!
With the long hood and BMW collaboration i hope they keep in in-line 6.
Exactly. If you have to stretch all the way back to the 1940s to find a legitimate use of force then the argument is essentially moot.
A bad shop?
Anything is possible.
How is it possible to spend $1000/month on Subaru maintenance? That seems insane.
Only Republicans trust corporations.
It’s only worth it if you think the TiVo hardware will last more than a couple years. I’ve had several Tivo boxes die on me (several years old at that point) so the jury is still out on the value as far as I’m concerned.
It’s only worth it if you think the TiVo hardware will last more than a couple years. I’ve had several Tivo boxes…
The entire premis of this vehicle is flawed. The fact it’s both a train or a bus (or neither) doesn’t change the fact that it can only operate on roads with cars about 4 feet high. Now they have to limit vans, buses and whatever else might actually need the road this monstrosity is designed for.