
Wow that's a lot of beards and longish hair on those Marines.

Meow-slims, obviously.

Um, this looks...AWESOME!!!

These cat-kitten "fights" are cute to watch - but are they really fighting or just goofing around?

Does Natasha Lyonne sing? Is she insurable?

Yeah this past weekend I thought at first it was just one random girl at the bar wearing too-short shorts, then as the night wore on, there were like 6 of them.

If I can't afford a gift, you don't get it. If I can afford it, you do get it. Coco Chanel...she was....sort of a Nazi loving collaborating jerk wad...maybe.

Wait, "Glad you Came" is naughty?!?

I wont lie..."THEY CAN TAKE A TAXI!" made me laugh.

I believe the racism affects the female performers ability to draw a crowd went they dance at strip shows in a racist market.

If a larger person assaults me out of he blue - I'm totally in the clear, blameless. The larger person is an asshole.

Hey asshole, you can call me an asshole face to face and I would never touch you because I'm not nuts.

Eh, they're both the worst. He should obviously lose his job and be forced to gt counseling and deserves having some sort of criminal record, but she's terrible as well.

Thick is more of the difference between Coco (Mrs Ice-T) and Kate Bekinsale.

The modern audience knows that Bond is a highly trained military commando and expert killer in a $4000 suit. Because of ever widening media exposure we the audience are familiar with how such men are built and look .

Beautifully written.

Throw'em both in jail. They're identical twins raised in the same household -if one is twisted enough to be a serial rapist, then there's no way the other isn't a whacka-doo himself.

Brown is an asshole, but fair is fair - if you were involved in an actual fistfight with a person a week ago, it'd be pretty fake to cheer them on and give them a standing O.

Yes, I would say its more disheartening than surprising.