What a bunch of self-entitled little shits. They're mad? For what? It was Blizzard's game to do with whatever the hell they felt like.
What a bunch of self-entitled little shits. They're mad? For what? It was Blizzard's game to do with whatever the hell they felt like.
Rules, not mechanics.
Spotted on Steam database AND PC version listing leaked by Amazon Spain
Mah nigga! That was a hell of a reply.
Same here. I've never personally been a fan of Miis to begin with. Their art style just doesn't resonate with me but whatevs. Unfortunately, most man-children on this site can't handle people not like anything Nintendo.
Dude, BarryBrummie doesn't happen to share the same opinion as you regarding Miis in a fucking videogame. Build a bridge and get the fuck over.
As someone who is quite literally the opposite of a fat neckbeard (I practically live at my gym and can't grow a beard to save my life), it's not the fact that this guy has a knife/sword collection. It's a descent enough hobby as any other. It's the fact that this dude has clearly watched one too many anime episodes.…
Lol, this dude is hella salty because his attempts at trolling are failing, lmao.
People are fucking weird.
except it does none of those things. Press 'R'. Boom. You're on the same playing field as everyone else.
I like how comfortable you, a female, are with telling males what THEIR "power fantasies" are and what is and isn't made for them. If I tried to pull that bullshit females would be fucking livid and I'd get 'rape culture' yelled at me or some shit.
The video was obviously a joke. Anybody that watched it up to the end would know. The criteria gets more and more ridiculous for what NPCs that guys kills as the video goes on. "lives in parents basement" "avid videogame player" "attended furries convention" and so on.
Male stereotype? Ugh, really? Man up.
I was thinking more along the lines of Christy Mack. But that's probably because I'm a deviant.
She's attractive?
And people who talk at movie theaters!
Boo fucking hoo, bro. Build a bridge and get over it.
Yeah, that kind of tension just makes the game much more rewarding and fun to play, imo. It's the same reason I only ever roll on PvP servers or play on hardcore mode when it's available.
It's typically a catch-all term to civilians. I see no problem with it. Only problem are the civilians who know the actual definition and think they're shit hot. Like the fools who take Psychology or Philosophy 101 at some community college and think they have the world figured out.