
Oh, yeah. Needless to say SERIOUS inertial dampeners— *with* the SigmaX Redundancy Protocols *forward*-loading into the macro sequence.

That’s EVERY Superhero anymore... Elves, too.

Doctor Who.

Peter F. Hamilton’s latest, “The Great North Road,” would be a GREAT first movie for his books.

How does a country of over a BILLION people, and huge unemployment have a Labor Shortage? How does replacing all those people with machines fix that? Lack of jobs is a constant source of rioting in China, on a daily basis. This idea makes no sense, outside of the Greed Factor.

Actually, this toy has its own Feature-Length Film coming next year.

Toy sales. The history, future, and raison d’être of the Star Wars franchise. I wish good scripts and characters were the emphasis of Star Wars movies, but toy sales seems to be the sole reason for them any more.

I thought Darth Vader’s Story and history was vastly more interesting and intriguing before Lucas showed me over three wretched movies, just how much better the movie in my mind is. Episodes 1-3 took all the creepy “crypto-religious Nazi mystique” of the Sith and the Empire, and reduced it to a bad love story and

Is that a Fire Mage, or is the wizard being eaten by giant Morel Mushrooms?

Dang. Is there anything in Australia, beside the People, that won't kill you fast?

It's OK. Gov. Rick Scott will declare it illegal to say the words termite or termites, and the problem will be solved.

Willy Wonka has come a long way in developing teleporter technology. Remember how it USED to be...

The folks at Red Eagle Entertainment sure do know how to endear themselves to their potential audience, don't they?

A Cane Toad ate my baby!!!

I would hope the Production Team for "Arrow" sees this, and hires Lars as a consultant!

How is this different from that worthless, horrible thing called "Moulin Rouge?"

If we slaughter all of the psychopathic Alphas in the world, the problem would be solved quite quickly.

It's not like "The Winter Soldier" had even one element in it similar to the book series, aside from featuring Captain America and Bucky. It was a completely different story than "The Winter Soldier." It angers me that they do this. Marvel doesn't care, they are simply using their most well-known titles for the

Oh, Yeah! That helps!

I think cleaning up the Pacific Ocean Garbage Heap would be money better spent.