
What do you consider to be a fair hourly rate for hand-making gorgeous decals? Pretty sure $37 might not cover these.

Mr. Monkeybear and I watched the first episode, and have the rest tivo'd but can't actually bring ourselves to watch it. In theory it's something we'd both love to watch (his favourite Shakespeare is Richard III) but it was just so BORING. Who knew sexy times, massive betrayal and conspiracies could be so

Okay for a second there I was about to ask whey no one told me Ryan Gosling was in London! But crisis averted. Upon closer inspection it's not him.

Not all kids let you have a cover though. My little one (who is now 9 months) just bats it off. It's too distracting/hot for her. All kids are different, so what your experience was might not be someone else's.

I've had a similar experience in London (UK). I'm always feeding my baby when out and about and no one says anything. She eats on buses, trains, cafe's while walking, playgrounds, etc. When we were visiting Canada earlier this year no one said anything either. Maybe this is really just a problem in the states? Or

Now playing

I'll just leave this here. I BF my baby in public pretty much daily, mostly because my older kid has a busy schedule and we have places to go/ people to see/ stuff to do. No way I can fit it all in and be home every time she gets a bit hungry. I've never even gotten a second look, but I'm so ready to give anyone who

I know what you mean. I agonized over the decision of being Vegan during my second pregnancy, I was really worried about getting everything I needed for my baby .But it ended up working really well. And I knew it was the right decision because I felt wonderful (which I didn't in my first pregnancy). There are a few

I'm vegan and have two kids. For my first pregnancy I was a vegetarian and had the usual anemia post-birth, but otherwise completely healthy. My bloodwork was always perfect and I didn't have to take my pregnancy vitamins too consisitently after the initial 3 months since my diet contained enough of everything I