
Per Agents of SHEILD, there are just plain-jane meta-humans running around. SHIELD's been keeping an eye on them for a while. Not everyone's gotta be human or Inhuman.

Avengers 2.5: Computer Love.

Once upon a time, Marvel had no money. To stay afloat, they licensed the rights to their most popular characters (the X-Men, Spidey, the FF) to various studios for $$$. So long as the studios continue to use those characters, i.e. by periodically making films about them (no matter the quality), they retain that

His hair grows pretty fast, too. He'd be constantly touching them up with no time left to fight evil robots.

As long as the Romani-Jewish characters aren't actually volunteers for the Nazis by another name, I am good with it.

Here's a conundrum; I'd love to have sex in that van, but not with anyone who would own said van.

Aww a little disappointed the entire tower wasn't a maze. Each floor a maze of rooms you have to navigate to get to the stairs. Some stairs going to a level that doesn't have stairs going up so you have to backtrack and find the stairs that skip that level. Maybe a level where you have to do something agility,

Cocaine, is a hell of a DRUG.

Women play men and men play women with relative frequency, especially once you start talking about theater. Acting is pretty rarely about perfect representation, it's about "good enough".


lots of blondes have darker eyebrows. but yeah, now that she's doing more roles outside of this show, the juxtapostion of her natural dark hair vs Dany's "platinum" is more obvious.

So psyched to see Alexander Siddig in anything!

He had everything he ever wanted. Power. Fortune. Women. Superhuman intelligence. Yet every time the wind blew, her name always whispered upon its breeze...

So, I have no doubt that Siddig will knock it out of the park , but I was picturing Doran Martell as someone much larger and more sickly looking.

Also, I wish they had kept Tommen closer to the age he is in the books. It makes his kingship a lot less ridiculous if he's not a small child.

I'm glad we're getting more

Gronk and Beastmode

This needs to be a sitcom, or a reality show. Just have these two live together and be themselves. That was unexpectedly, extremely, funny.

YES TO ALL OF THIS!! I love this movie, I love the visuals, I love the death scenes, I LOVE the monsters, I love David Twohy for making it, I love Jack the boy who is a girl who wants to be like Riddick, I love Riddick, and Johns, and I love Radha Mitchell in most things she's in. I love all of it, but in the many,

I still believe that the final solution will not be to return those rockets back to the original launch facility.