
I think the clue is that the red-head isn't the "older" child (which connotes that only two ages are being compared, if you assume that the logician is a stickler about such things) but the oldest (a comparative for three or more).

I got 1, 4 and 9. However, as I never get the right answer to these things [1]. presumably someone can tell me what the correct answer actually is.

I am so sorry to see this wasn't an Iron Man/Arrested Development mash-up.

Yes it does.

Sorry—hadn't realized that I'd struck a nerve.

Ms. Pinkham, do I even have to point out that composing "Trivial things, ranked" listicles is a sign that you have made poor life choices? Whether here or in Buzzfeed, they're just embarrassing.

How exactly does anti-abortion = "fiscal discipline"?

Not that anyone asked, but even if you're breastfeeding perfectly well, thank you, you might still want to give the kid a formula bottle once in a while, just so he/she doesn't freak out if someone else has to do the feeding.

Don't be so judgey. Where on earth would Bristol have got the slightest clue as to what good parenting is like? She certainly never saw it growing up.

The thing is, before she chicken-shitted her way out of the governor's office, Bristol's mother could have got Bristol, her brother and Levi Johnston into the U of Alaska with one phone call. Instead, she used her influence to get her daughter on DWTS.

"I have not mutated myself in any way," she said.

No, the wrong person would be someone who had actually mentioned Kotaku in her comment.

Yep. It's this lovely combination of sexism and racism.

That's as naive a claim as I've ever seen here.

You apparently haven't perused the comments on Kotaku. About half of them have elements of "making this up," "playing the victim" or both.

Aside from everything else, correcting other people's grammar, spelling, etc. is the lowest form of argument, a cheap shot almost every time. EVERYBODY screws this up sometimes.

"Entitlements"—Republicanese for federal expenditures that actually do most Americans some good and don't wind up paying for some no-bid/no-show contracts for whoever greased the RNC's palm just before the election.

That's different.

Little known fact: ever since that tree fell on him, he's been auditioning for the role of Mr. Potter in the reality TV version of It's a Wonderful Life.