
While agreeing that this heading might have been phrased better, I'm pleased to see a writer who knows enough to use "who" when referring to a person.
'Way too many writers give the impression that, had they been working for the BBC in the early 60s, Peter Capaldi would be the 12th Doctor That.

One thing that drives me to face-palming about CAM customers is their inability to recognize it as a business. "Money drives the pharmaceutical industry! Money drives mainstream medicine!"

He is under house arrest . . . and all 8 women have been issued Glock 9s, bottles of kerosene, duct tape, bicycle chains, a "home-made" male catheter set, pointy sticks, hobnail boots, all the plastic wrap they want, maps to both his house and some swamp nobody ever goes to, shovels, and a body bag.

Along these lines . . . you know how you aren't allowed to enter Mecca unless you're Muslim? Turns out that's not precisely true. You're not allowed to enter Mecca unless you're Muslim and have proof of receiving vaccines against meningitis/pneumococcal infection, polio and seasonal flu.

Aside from screwing with herd immunity (as most of your other replies have pointed out). you're also suggesting that we turn a blind eye on these children undergoing a horrible, potentially fatal and quite preventable disease—kids who have done nothing to deserve it besides being born to complete fucking idiots.

Is that costume made out of old Davey Crockett hats?

And you have to wonder about the women who do stick around after that.

Actually, if you simply assume that Mr. Kim and the rest of the pageant organizers are just straight-up pimps, everything else they've done makes perfect sense.

The Silver Rights Movement.

Nice work, jerk-offs. What you tried to do to Ms. Noe [1] is now THE public image of your pageant: Even on the other side of this planet, if people have heard anything whatever about the Miss Asia Pacific World competition, it's that it's run by overbearing creeps with what could be charitably described as

Twenty-odd years ago, I was living in New Jersey, freshly divorced, and I had acquired a stalker. Death and rape threats on the phone, directed against me and my family, being followed around, etc—it was rather terrifying. The local police were very nice about it, but they simply didn't have the legal tools to go

The second I saw #31, I realized that I want a war bonnet. I need a damn war bonnet.

Nah. In and of themselves, the unborn aren't of the slightest importance to anti-choicers either.

Well, consider exactly what it would take to build a third party that can play equally on the national level with the other two (i.e., winning a national election). Or even just a senator or congressman—how much full-time work for free, how much money, how much coordination among the participants, how much time, and

Oh, jeez. Are you really that stupid?

Compared to the Rs? Hell, yes, the Ds are better. Not even a contest.

Actually yeah. Say what you like about that woman, she does invective like Louis C.K. does standup.

Aside from everything else, does she seem entirely sober to you?

Gee, how adorable.