
If you only need to carry a smidgen of something (toothpaste, moisturizer, sunscreen etc.), you can use contact lens cases. Generally, I don't think TSA even notices them as part of your quota of liquids (although if you're flying, you might want to put them in a sealed plastic bag).

Whatever. Don't let the door hit you, etc.

Years ago, I was in chef's school. One of the instructors said: "If it's made out of protein, someone on this planet thinks of it as home cooking."

Well, of course.

You can debate it for different 68-year-olds, but the scooter and oxygen tank definitely spike it for this guy.

Respectfully disagree. It shouldn't be a woman's responsibility to learn how to not get ripped off.

"Willful," yes. By the time they got to the Supreme Court, the Greens had probably heard, or had the opportunity to hear, factual explanations of how these birth control methods works dozens of times.

Aside from everything else, you have to wonder what sort of epic shitheelery this guy is trying to rationalize.

Yeah. The thing about the anti-choice crowd is that they really are anti-choice. They're equally unsupportive for women who do decide to have and raise their babies, unless they're straight and married.

Including being entitled to their own "facts."

You're not alone in this. I'm sorry we don't have access to their earnings reports; they'd surely be a source of the merriest schadenfreude.

Hobby Lobby cares deeply about protecting the unborn when it comes to denying women contraception coverage and making shit up about contraceptives under the Affordable Care Act.

No surprise, I'm afraid. The most horrifying aspect of the recent Hobby Lobby decision (IMO) was the Court's implicit ruling that the Greens were "entitled to their own facts." Not only were they clearly ignorant as to how various birth control methods worked, but—considering that these methods had surely been

Yes, that's why no woman you know will willingly touch you: because we had a meeting.

I can't decide what's more adorable: your pretense that you're not a troll, or your belief that mansplaining about something that every woman on the planet understands far better than you ever will is a "mature and valuable way to view the world."

No, it doesn't. Nether do fairies, unicorns or the Easter bunny.

There's no way to have a "constructive conversation" with someone who insists that you pretend to believe them when they lie about the matter at hand.

The time of political pragmatism has come to an end.

Do you have any idea how psychotic you sound?