
Good for you.

I've never worked as a server, but if you have a messy kid, you might ask for extra napkins when you first sit down. Every spill you can handle right away is one less spill the server has to handle later on. And y'know, tip good.

This is kind of meta (or obvious?), but the cheapest way to make your place look better is to get rid of every last thing you can bear to part with (pretend you're moving to a new home) and then give the place a thorough cleaning.

Apparently, she and Donald Trump are using the same hairdresser these days.

Bear in mind, these are the same people who started blathering about "government fascism" when President Obama said schoolkids should do their homework and pay attention in class, and when Mrs. O said Americans should get a little exercise and eat more produce. Hell, they even said it when she said we should drink

That makes sense.

Aside from everything else, an underlying assumption of this Republican law is that women aren't very bright, nor are they capable of taking responsibility for their own decisions.

I know this won't apply to everyone, but when my fella died last September, I was grateful for my work, which gave me something to focus on for a few hours a day besides my feelings.

If he'd left the eyebrows on Saddam Hussein —> Freida Kahlo

Just watch—our Republican brethren will believe this is something he actually does. And they will use the gif to "prove" it.

That was basically my experience: nurse-midwives with board-certified OB/GYN back-up. (The New York Maternity Center Association, which is no more, sadly.) I got the best care available on this planet, IMHO.

If mothers are hosts, doesn't that make the foetuses parasites?

Not as much as pregnancy itself. Giving birth totally wins the competition for Normal Real-Life Experience That Is Most Like a Science Fiction Movie Special Effect.

Just from reading the comments, I can see that Ms. Reddick's mother wasn't unique.

As Anton Chekhov would have said, while waving his gun: Duh.

Yes, she's a horrible person.

Re #3, Watson also never said "No shit, Sherlock."

Not that anyone asked, but if you make a grilled-cheese sandwich as described (with butter and white bread), but substitute chocolate for the cheese, you will have a grilled-chocolate sandwich, which is freaking delicious. Less appropriate with tomato soup, however.

You're in good company. Grete Waitz did it during different New York Marathons.

As homosexuality determination really does seem to be close to an epigenetic wild card at this point, Tommy apparently has as much chance of being gay as anyone. Can you imagine being gay and having to live with this harridan? Hell, even being straight?