
This story is right next to the one with the heading "Turtle Ant Queens Get Laid Once and Store Sperm for 25 Years."

Natalie Portman could have married the World's Most Jewish Guy, kept a kosher house, davined every freakin' day and these a-holes would still be sniffing around her underwear drawer, looking for something to be outraged over.

Le Figaro today . . . Bill O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, Andrea Peyser, and every other "personality" in the right-wing loon-o-sphere tomorrow.

You'll note the chicken's long-suffering expression.

. . . frequently married to Zayde.

They probably will, every one. These stories bring out would-be pet-owners.

Gratuitous, but swell.

I'm guessing that the sole and entire point of this ad is in the very last line:

I know B isn't the only one who thinks back on the douchey things he did in high school and wishes he could apologize. This might be a kind of closure for him as well. But at least the guy he was mean to went on to have a good life and seems happy now.


I love that she uses the "Texts from Hillary" photo on her Twitter account.

Now, when it's fresh in their minds, is when the good people of Birmingham and Atlanta and other Southerners who were hit with this storm might want to have a discussion—on both local and regional levels—on how they want to handle this sort of thing next time it happens.

The aftermath to Professor Hill's testimony was when I realized that:

Yup. A few weeks ago, I was listening to an audio version of Dodsworth, which was published in 1929. Its author, Sinclair Lewis, won the 1930 Nobel Prize for literature, so at the time he was presumably considered to be a great writer with slightly-left-of-mainstream views. Anyway, Dodsworth is about a wealthy

Those would be the Catholics who helped chase their former cardinal to Rome (about two steps ahead of a grand jury) when they realized he'd abetted priests who molested their kids. I wouldn't overestimate their awe of the Church.

What part of the country do you live in so that I can point out its flaws and generalize them to the whole population?

I realize that pretty much everything I know about bears comes from cartoons [1]. However, how did his mother take this? Aren't mother bears supposed to get all bitey and grrrr if you get too close to their cubs?

Note the utter inability to stop talking down to women while trying to convince women that he's not talking down to them.

God, how vile.
Not that anyone asked, but whisk these together in a bowl:
Cup of flour
A tsp of baking powder
Half-tsp of salt
Beat these together in another bowl:
3/4 cup of brown sugar
Half-stick (4 Tbs) of butter
An egg
A big spoonful of molasses or leftover coffee or a tsp of vanilla or all three
Mix the dry ingredients

Well, no, she didn't have an abortion.