
If the hat matched the rest of the outfit, you could probably use it to get around facial recognition programs.

As long as we're discussing clothes: Ariel has legs for the second time in her life, yet can maneuver around in high heels like a stripper.

Aside from everything else, this is connected to a peculiarity of the Right: the belief that they understand economics better than the Left, when for the most part they think understanding economics = internalizing the economic views of the wealthy.

Still, you can't top the wingnuts' hysterics that ensued after she had the temerity to suggest drinking more water.


While stipulating that they're cute as hell . . . is it normal for the back legs to be so limp at that stage?

Any occasion where you're out of your element: (a) Follow the manners of the rest of the guests (including clothing), but don't drink much (even if they do). (b) If you need to make conversation but don't feel up to it, ask questions and let the other person do most of the talking. Act interested. The other person

<i>I'm trying to figure out if you're making an indirect slam at conservative/libertarian ideology here.</i>

Alternatively, there's "He who smelt it, dealt it."

I'm older than Rand Paul, and I do know what it's like to see a technological advance that changes everything, but not fully grasp what those changes are.

The I'm-rubber-and-you're-glue defense.

Finally, an artist who can fill the hole left by Thomas Kinkade's passing.

Dorisburkesucks is a full-time troll, folks. Do not feed.

It's neurochemically impossible for me to have a lower opinion about Romney than I do, but sweet freaking Jesus, people:

Alternatively: While they're snogging, the gun accidentally goes off and hits Audrey.

Every single Jeeves and Wooster story.

There's a huge difference in offensiveness between going as some specific individual who happens to be a different race than you (e.g., Bishop Tutu) , and going as "generic black guy."

In her case, the fault isn't entirely the writers'.

At least some of the blame falls on abstinence "education" and similar demonizing of sex for pleasure, which imply that a woman who thinks about sex in any practical, unhorrified way is a Slutty McSlutterson.

Now playing

So do I, but it always calls this to mind: