
Custard maybe (lemon curd would work too), but embedded in the filling should be a bag of (e.g.) raspberry coulis that bursts when the cake is cut.

I'm sorry, but "pro-life" simply isn't an accurate description of these people and their values. Did they oppose the invasion of Iraq? The death penalty? For the most part, no. Have you ever heard of them doing a damn thing to address the country's rather shameful infant mortality rate? Hell, anything that might keep

Not that anyone asked, but—first time I saw an owl up close, I figured it had some kind of birth defect. Turns out, owls have asymmetric ear holes—one is 'way higher on the skull than the other. Helps with locating sources of sounds.

That makes her 50. Moreover, the Wikipedia entry suggests that she has given more than one birth year, which implies that she tends to lie about her age.

As opposed to: The government should micromanage everything that happens in my bedroom—according to religious dogma of a powerful minority, whose beliefs are privileged above my own—but use my taxes exclusively to enrich a few well-connected individuals while insisting that any program that does anything to improve

She's in her 50s, actually, and although a lot of men on the Right think she's attractive, they tend to be the sort of men who could most charitably be described as "a waste of time"—even if you didn't find their views repugnant.

I hear ya, but this isn't merely the Bateses (or whatever the plural is) "choosing their reproductive choices as they see fit."

This isn't about lack of self-control.

So this is about the school's right to their religious beliefs rather than the employees' right to not have the beliefs of others imposed on them because why?

Wait, I know this one: Because if I'm straight and my marriage sucks despite following all my religion's rules, no matter how absurd they seem, and I'm miserable and frustrated and my sex life has never been what I want—and then some gay guys just waltz in and get married and they're HAPPY!! . . . I would be forced

I know it isn't DrunkExPat's intent, but when arguments that we don't actually need legal marriage pop up in the middle of discussions of gay marriage, it always seems a little mean—like "We'll destroy it before we let any of you people in."

I'm not Muslim, but if I were, I'd totally wear a hijab.

I know it's OT, but congratulations anyway. And may every bit of it go as expected.

Why do guys like that become OBs?

This is so sad, and you describe it so well. I hope every medical aspect of this goes perfectly, and every emotional one leads to peace, or better.

Absolutely. You notice that the "life" of which they're so pro is so abstract and undefined as to be functionally meaningless.

How many babies have died just because a woman spread her legs?

Fixit—exactly why do you think women who do not share what you've made plain are YOUR religious beliefs should be obliged to put themselves out for them?

AIBA . . . declared that female boxers at the world championship would fight in knee-length skirts to "help spectators distinguish women from men."

Yeah, he's a Republican. Why did I even bother to check?