
That's new to me.

What I find just astonishing—and not in a good way—is that every time (with no exception that I've ever seen) Republicans claim that they aren't anti-woman, they always managed to do it in a way that makes their contempt for women clear as crystal.

If you're trying to give the impression that you've never actually made coffee, you're doing a good job.

Incredibly obvious point: If we still had slavery, Republicans would not only be defending it, they'd be doing so by claiming Abolitionists are engaged in "a war on free enterprise."

Not just that—is it too much to ask that the information disseminated in schools supported in part by MY tax dollars be accurate and not pulled directly out of someone's ass?


While conceding the abject spoiled brattitude, I don't find it completely incomprehensible that a woman growing up under Saudi restrictions who suddenly had her own money and the freedom to spend it might start acting out.

Since every 5-star hotel on the planet is now probably aware that Al-Sudani is a deadbeat, I wonder what happens next time she tries to book a suite.

Here is the article everyone tends to mention in this context

As women's orders are required to be self-supporting (unlike priests, who get their needs covered by the Church), nuns often own collectively, or run, substantial properties—schools, hospitals, endowment funds, nursing homes, etc—acquired and maintained through decades of hard work, frugal living and careful

For women, reproductive rights ARE an economic issue.

Were either of the children girls?

I realize that our friends on the Right don't (and may simply be unable to) think much about the meta aspects of their opinions—but the fact that they have to make shit up to support those positions should be a tip-off that there's something wrong with them.

These people are offensive on so many levels—not the least being their pretense that homophobia is associated with being a mom.

Oh marcia. I didn't catch the first post, but I'm so sorry to read of this loss.

Damn. That's good. It's like Dr. Seuss and Stephen Sondheim had a baby together.

Every so often, you see an unflattering picture of Obama with his jaw set, teeth clinched, and it wasn't until I saw a video in which he did that momentarily that I realized it's what he looks like when he's trying not to laugh.

Alpha—You're right, he shouldn't have done it.

The Republicans were sure as hell the only ones who made it an issue.

Well, aren't you just precious!?