
That's a real advantage meeting potential partners online has over meeting them in more conventional ways—looking presentable isn't that hard in person, and the signal-to-noise (in terms of assessing what sort of person he is) is rather small.

Point well taken, (although, if I'm reading this article right, it was the priest himself who made the public announcement).

Okay, so here's a priest who apparently had consensual sex with a grown-up.

Also, kind of a dick.

. . . in case you were wondering why every young woman—and man, too—with a lick of brains, talent or ambition leaves places like this within a few years of graduating from high school.

Can someone explain to this guy the difference between being straight and being closeted?

That's a photo of Michelle Bachmann, and her husband, the well-known closet case.

. . . how can voters who call themselves "pro family" be so against the idea of helping families?

One thing about being a parent, especially of teenagers, is that you like to think you know what's going on in your kids' lives, but a lot of the time you don't. (1) Even if you see them every day—and Lauber was in boarding school.

Moi aussi.

Would it break us to give benefits to both wives? And maybe something for the 3rd woman's kid?

I understand Obama not wanting to talk about this with any specificity until after the election.

Y'know that line about politics being show business for ugly people?

Those parents aren't just fundamentalists.

That environment doesn't exactly teach people to deal with their own sexuality (or anyone else's) in a well-considered way.

Wasn't it accredited a few years back?

This supports something I've noticed about fundies: Compared to normal people (and despite their pretensions to the contrary), they have attenuated moral values, as their sense of right-and-wrong tends to be obsessively focused on sex.

Between this, Castellano's treatment of Rachel Maddow and their nominee-apparent's inability to speak effectively to the sort of people who don't join country clubs, a pattern seems to be emerging.

I just realized that all those pics you see on wingnut websites where his mouth is compressed and he's supposed to look disapproving were taken when he was trying not to laugh.

Is there any way to get the GOP to make Castellano their Official Spokesman for Women's Issues?