
Even better point!

Well, of course he doesn't want women priests.

. . . which bodes well for legalization. Who wants to incarcerate Grandma?

What I don't get is, if you're a physician, even if you're anti-abortion, why are you not on this like white on rice? The Mississippi Medical Association does not sneak en masse into the state capitol, shove the elected officials aside and proceed to pass laws. They should expect reciprocal courtesy from the

The assumption that anti-bullying laws are specifically about protecting gay kids (as opposed to any vulnerable kid) is interesting. I figure it comes from one (or both) of two sources:

They're not "pro"-life.

A third of all American women—and that's not sexually active women, that's ALL women— have abortions sometime over the course of their reproductive lives. Over a million pregnancies are terminated a year, making it the most common medical procedure, by far. (Obviously, these figures are also an indicator of how

You don't even have to go that far away. Among developed countries, it's no secret that America's infant mortality rate is a national disgrace.

Thank you for the advice. I bet you wear sensible shoes and eat all your vegetables too.

Does this place have a john? Or a kitchen?

She's probably getting laid more than I am too.

That is an insult to actual blackheads.

She certainly didn't help. But I think the thing that really turned the GOP into The Party of DSM Classifications was when the other party nominated a black guy.

She's certainly entitled to have a big family if she wants; it's not most women's choice, but it's apparently hers, and there's nothing wrong with her being a statistical outlier.

They're not thrifty because they're patient. They're thrifty because that's all they can afford—and that's probably generally true of other "quiverfull" families.

What if Grandma stops at the state line, lets the grandaughter walk a few feet to the next state while Grandma drives, lets her back in the car and continues the trip?


If you're actually curious, there's an organization called the National Adoption Clearinghouse ( that matches adoptees and birth parents who are looking for each other.

A thread that runs through these stories is "I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone"—including the prospective fathers.

Bloody Mary, hands-down. It's not even a contest: V-8 is two servings of produce per 8 ounces and more than a quarter of your RDA of potassium.