I don’t include Warren in with Hillary and Diane. She is old, yes, but she is outspoken about the need for reform and doesn’t waffle around in the ‘center.’
I don’t include Warren in with Hillary and Diane. She is old, yes, but she is outspoken about the need for reform and doesn’t waffle around in the ‘center.’
Republicans don’t care at all about charges of “hypocrisy”. If it’s something they feel they can attack, they’re gonna do it— regardless of whether those in their group are guilty of the same things. From adulterous Newt Gingrich going after Bill Clinton for his affair, to draft-dodging George Bush Jr. Swift-boating…
They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.
“It was at this exact moment that the pickup truck hit his brakes, and attempted to make an illegal U-turn in front of me, crossing a double yellow line and driving around a median. I had no time to stop, and certainly no brakes to even try to, and I hit the back of his truck... The pickup truck driver took me to…
I can’t wait now to see what Sarah Palin did lol
For trolling, mostly.
“I think the right way to phrase that would be: “Tax funded programs that benefit the taxpayers are inherently good”.”
As a liberal myself, I would actually qualify this in that “benefit” means that an alternative method of arriving to the conclusion without government interference (or a method with less government…
I do see your point and granted we’d want to tread carefully, but in this case, instead of giving Anton a forum to spread his views unquestioned, giving him the imprimatur of the Post’s respectability, such as it is, the Post could also investigate and then report on his white-supremacist views. Giving someone…
People mistake publishing someone’s views or discussing them for endorsing them. The best way to eliminate bad ideas is to get them out into the open and force the people that believe in them to have to engage with people in opposition and defend their ideas. If they can’t defend them, it shows others that they are…
Is it better for our democracy to let people like Anton operate in the shadows?
You should run. Get ahead of the pictures. Meaning, say they exist and make stopping revenge porn a top issue. Play offense. Good luck.
Tomato troll, brah.
Just like anyone who belongs to that party: everything. They're scared of everything
My question is - where have these “hard-hitting” journalists been for the past 17 years? I mean it’s nice to see them standing up to Orange Hitler and his minions but we can all agree that this is as low as hanging fruit gets. As far as I’m concerned they’re doing the bare minimum required by their occupation.
And the Dems response will be, “Now is not the time to bring up the Alaska situation. We would not want to do anything that would cause division.”
Your daily reminder that the United States does NOT have a justice system. We have a legal system. And it is callous as fuck. It continues to trample on the dignity of people everywhere. Especially women and minorities.
How is it someone buttdials 911 and cops are there in 5 minutes but they cant find Becky Bullshitter? That cell phone bill gotta be gettin paid by SOMEbody
Okay, so I know this is going to be an insanely unpopular opinion and I think, as a matter of good-person-ness, that MGM should not do this and it’s gross, but:
Lol, like the rule of law is more important than “what I believe ought to be true” to these assclowns.
Boy, I bet you Roy Moore just hates it when someone takes advantage of the vulnerable.