2045 me: “No, not again, it’s happening again, noooooo!”
J/k, we’ll all be dead by then.
2045 me: “No, not again, it’s happening again, noooooo!”
J/k, we’ll all be dead by then.
Ouch. Too soon.
“Greedy Millennials killing our business by not buying our shitty product” is my favorite think-piece. Won’t somebody think of the terrible chain restaurants and overpriced motorcycles?
At least they didn’t film vertically.
The fact that your comment has 9 stars and the comment you’re responding to has over 100 tells you all you need to know about people on this website. Sure, what she did was ill advised and stupid, but a random person dying is still sad. It’s especially monstrous to see the comments on here considering that this is…
On the rear of the vehicle, duh.
No, wearing headphones while driving is a terrible idea.
Cars only being sold through dealerships and not directly from the manufacturer.
I got so bored with the Pilot that I gave up reading about it less than halfway down the page. I can’t remember the last car I found so disintresting.
It’s a quote from ‘Stripes.’
Fuck this stealership. I’m grabbing my pitchfork and heading to their Facebook and Yelp pages....
IDK but I sure can tell you I am not ever going to find out! No way no how!
Can someone send this to the civil engineering department in Durham, NC?
For quoting MLK a lot in their anguished letters, I think some of those Seattle parents forgot this passage from the Birmingham County Jail letter-- replace moderate with liberal, because that’s just the shifting goalposts since the Reagan Years:
This is a great article for cross shopping these cars, which, just in case you talk to my wife, I’m not doing at all.
Haha, when I read your post I was thinking you should spell “lose” incorrectly for authenticity. You should have just left it in there.