
How is that statement bereft of logic? The logic is quite simply. It’s a hypothetical question. A question that supposes a person has a hobby and poses the question of whether they would give up the hobby if it would end or significantly reduce needless deaths. My statement restates the question then answers it. It’s p

Much clearer. I’d probably avoid the street racing comparison in the future. It muddies your argument and is not a great comparison.

I’m still not getting your point. You’re comparing illegal street racing with owning a gun legally? I think overwhelmingly illegal street racing is seen as irresponsible and needlessly risks lives. Only illegal street racers would say otherwise.  Are you saying that owning a gun is the same?

Illegal street racing is illegal. Should we make it more illegal? or are you saying laws against things are useless? The whole it-still-happens-so-why-bother-trying-to-stop-it line of “thought”?

nude pictures of fat americans.

Okay, this is fucked up. I agree there.

F-150's start at $15k right?

Aerial America is legit.

Bullshit slap on the wrist...unfortunately not surprised. What about his license to practice medicine?

Sadly, I wouldn’t even be that shocked. 

aka the Brock Turner defense

Maybe the best defense against accusations of sexual assault is to not nominate scumbag candidates who were drunkards and gropers?

He’s just paving the way for President Logan Paul. 

America 2018: ignorant but opinionated 

I think you mean “Billions of Dollars”...capitalization because he’s got the best capital letters. 

psssstt....psstt. *whispers* that’s all bullshit to use when it suits you. 

You’re not wrong. We’ve got it for tobacco already and should probably have it for alcohol too.

I figured we could just flash the sweet sweet taxes at them and they’d go off day dreaming about dog soldiers that bark bees or something.

Take some steps to assure that you won’t do it again