Well that was quick...wish I could say I was surprised. Fuck. This. Shit.
Well that was quick...wish I could say I was surprised. Fuck. This. Shit.
The escalators (where they exist) are very much stand right, walk left or get yelled at (but isn’t that everywhere?). You call always tell the visitors by the walking 5 across and randomly stopping to gawk. It’s very strange to me, all it takes a tiny bit of awareness as to what’s going on around you to not be that…
This is exactly the point I made on another one of these posts. The mental gymnastics required are impressive. I wonder if he got flustered and just started throwing out the standard alt-right insults.
He’s replacing Rudy.
I’ll all for backpacks on the front in the subway...but the only rule of sidewalking is that you don’t walk 5 people across and blocked the whole shit. Otherwise, it’s a free for all.
I’m genuinely shocked there isn’t a signal delay in that pic.
ehhhhhmmmmm. @NJ Transit...are you paying attention. What’s that? Nope? You’re busy with another signal delay?
So here’s an idea...let have a ton of PoC/LBGT people apply to work there and when they are either not hired or hired then endure discrimination/retaliation/hostile work environment we can take them down via law suits. Conspiracy to take down Fox News initiate!
aka “hold my beer”
Don’t do it!
Sssshhhhh don’t bring this to Drumphf’s attention. He’ll be sure to make English the official language of the US. I’m actually surprised this hasn’t come up yet. Seems like something his fucking moron base would salivate over.
I’m pretty sure that’s a solo practice since his name is in the title of the law firm.
So the women working at the restaurant are freeloading? The mental gymnastics are strong in this one.
That 8-month old girl was a real menace...
I’ve got a ‘14 CX-9, so slightly different than the current gen but it’s a great CUV. I’ve only really got one complaint about it: the rear door size. It seems like a dumb complaint but the doors stick out really far. Makes it hard to open them sometimes in a tighter space. The 3rd row is useful when you need it (just…
To be able to walk (crawl) to the third row and not have to flip seats back and forth in a van, it’s like nirvana
You’re gonna make me find the “thunder coming out of the exhaust pipes” on my own? Now I have to type like 3 words into google...
The sunglasses are a dead giveaway.
They’ve been doing it for literally hundreds of years. Ask the native americans...if you can find any.
I did enjoy the part where she was crying when the cops got there. FFS people. Stop being fucking assholes.