
Is there anything to stop them from setting up a toll at the entrance to the neighborhood?

I’m male and work in a professional office environment and I would generally prefer not to hug anyone. It seems at odds with the whole professional thing. With that said, I’ll just follow a woman’s lead as far as the hug or handshake goes. Makes me wonder how often the female professionals are just going in for the

I love how freaking psyched they look to run over there and help.

The vertical orientation of their camera.

I think it’s a violation of Amendment IV of the Constitution.

I’m pretty sure she picked this one...and it’s recorded and it’s on youtube and Splinter now as well. If her intention was to bring attention to this seemingly unconstitutional practice, then I’d say she has succeeded.

I agree that they are not all scumbags...but “just doing my job” is excuse that’s been used to do horrible things.

I was going to find the Dave Chappelle bit from killing them softly, but decided better of searching for that on my work computer...

Are you white?

How’s the weather in the Motherland right now?

Mine includes an air pressure meter, which I’ve used a ton.

Shark Week in the late 80's early 90's was incredible. There were actual good documentaries on sharks. But TV was not saturated with sharks/shark mockumentaries/sharknado then as it is now. The Discovery Channel is husk of what it used to be.

I believe you meant “Fish bonker, eh?”

Your rational and reasoned approach has no place here.

Applauding the beating of a 74 year old man with a club, good stuff. All those tweens out there break the rules too. Let’s beat a 12 year old with a club while we are at it! Hurray for complete over reaction by idiots!


How would you convince your wife that a Focus RS is a better idea than house improvements? I’ve got nothing...

It’s got to be them white fuchs with chunky off road tires. Something about those makes my brain do good things.

I’d like to take this opportunity to go on record as saying dabbing is some dumb ass shit. It might be worse that the Macarena in that the people doing it somehow think its cool. Where is that giant meteor when you need one?