
Nope...same level of hate toward tourists as usual. Generally it’s centered around the blocking of the sidewalk where we are trying to walk. Just move to the side to gawk then we’ll all get along.

Okay, shit needs to be repaired I get it. But it’d be nice if they had some kind of actual legible plan. Instead for my line it’s

I’ll just add that I’m not a Jalop blogger and it does impact me. So there’s that.

I’m sorry but this doesn’t make sense to me. How are you “stand[ing] up in front of them”? They’ll already be standing in the space as close as possible to the row in front of you. In effect blocking the exit from your row and will have already cut in front of you before you even stand up.

That’s all well and good if those people who are going to jump in front of you wait until the 2 rows in front of you start moving. But the thing is they don’t wait. If you wait until the 2 rows in front of you go, then they will already be in the aisle next to your seat. And thus in front of you.

I know margins are tight

Also, the other thing: people behind you will not stop to let you get up and get out and get your stuff. If there’s an opening, the folks behind you will take it and keep on moving.

FFS...turn your phone people. From now on videos in Portrait mode should be banned from this site.

Who is Francis?

Yeah...good luck finding one. I’d probably buy one if I could find one...

This holiday weekend was a good moment to re-read the Declaration of Independence

Guy who went cross over instead of minivan here. We only test drove one minivan (the Odyssey) which I didn’t mind that much. The wife hated it as it reminded her of the crap box caravan she had to drive in high school. So we went crossover. Also the CX-9 drives waaaaaayyyy better than an Odyssey, one can almost have

Done and done. We need more pitchforks!

That, plus the manufacturers rebates (or discounts if you’re buying directly from them) would still come into play.

Heck anyone that tries to rob a bank car is sure to be shot.

At this point their mock disappointment is more offensive than The Lady Tinyhands’ crazy talk. You’re disappointed? Really? In 45? Did you not catch the grab them by the pussy comment? or literally everything else he’s said?

Scroll down to Obama and tell me if April 2017 falls within his term.

So your suggestion here is to look backwards all the time?
