
What is being white and mediocre? 

The last car I bought, I paid the price I wanted to pay (after some good cop/bad cop theater and me walking out) and afterwards the sales guys was showing me the “invoice” and how they lost $800 on the car. I just assumed it was all bullshit at the time, since I pretty much assume anything the dealer is going to show

Most of what he does is fucking stupid, and thus easy to tear apart. Little to no spin required.


Or a cluster bomb type instead of just shrapnel. I’m sure they’ve explored the idea’s a pretty obvious one.

Always reminded me of Omar Suarez in Scarface when they first go to meet Frank Lopez. Pushes Tony out of the way so he can go first...exactly like the fuckwad of a POTUS we have right now.

Or the fact that English is NOT the native tongue of Virginia.

I was just wondering the same thing. Is it that it’s happening more or that it’s reported/recorded more? The later is 100% true, but is it b\c of the former being true or just the focus on it recently with the election of the Lady Tinyhands.

What the hell is a “control room”? And what the hell can they arrest her for? Is disobeying a school administrator a crime?

First one is a winner here. Clearly this “lady” was being a horses ass and fuck her. But I can’t condone the use of violence here. I can certainly understand why the young man did it, but (1) I don’t believe that violence really makes anything better and (2) this will not be worth the assault charges if

it’s highly likely he’ll either swing that puppy into the wrong load-bearing wall and end up crushed by the rubble

What are the odds on him pulling out a photoboard with a pic of Muhammad on it?

Or any fielded Republican ever.

I’m still surprised I haven’t come across that actual comment yet...It’s a good thing too. My liver needs a break from the “this is an autoblog” comment drinking game.

So male only? Where to do females go?

I believe this method has worked exactly 9 out of 413,209,304 times. Showing videos of crash test dummies to teens does precisely nothing. We all know at that age, the thought was that it will never happen to me b\c I’m a good driver. In reality, even if a teen’s actual mechanical driving is good, the judgement and

I like this idea. 1 vote for “Let’s Remember Some Cars”

False. The correct answer is the Pontiac there’s a convertible to relish...