
Er, I see nothing there that suggests men think that women who steal sperm is about feminism. Maybe it's about *rape*, sure...

Why is sperm stealing being called a feminist thing?

I've seen footage of some of the higher levels of content, and it looks stressful/complex. It's still clicking on things, though.


And it was AWESOME.

Uh, the way he described it sounds exactly like how it works in EVE. You earn skills, regardless of if you're online or off. You choose those skills. Want something different? Choose something different.

Starcraft 2 does this as well... for 60 seconds. Which I vaguely recall being somewhat similar to Starcraft 1 and Diablo 1/2.

Blizzard won't add LAN because of this. LAN wouldn't have saved this game, since it was a single computer losing the connection, not the entire venue losing their connection. [] could still talk to all-minus-one of the computers involved.

And then watch as warez kiddies write a simple local server to "verify the game at startup" without an internet connection, thus cracking the game.

Labeling this shit as linked to the concept of men's rights does a disservice to anyone who wants gender equality, men or women. People having rights is not a zero-sum game. I'm sorry there are misogynists, but that doesn't make them pro-equality.

The new guy is probably a copy, yes. In a similar (but not nearly as perfect) way that Star Trek characters are copies of themselves when they use a Transporter. If you look like you, have all of your memories, etc, and the only way to tell you're NOT the original is to do a biological scan/investigation, are you

From what I understand of the significant chunk of the lore I read in the game (not all of it, never did quite complete the web entirely), the virus kills 99.9999% of the people it infects.

Considering the pictures attached to these accounts, they were all probably five years old when the movie came out.

Except that the ACLU defended against the government's attempts to silence free speech on the internet. Without that defense, you would have lost those rights.

Yes, because the "pro-gay" crowd totally is comfortable with the idea LGBT issues being used as a marketing scheme via controversy through spambots.

Do you always stand for fascism, or just on Tuesdays?

I have always had the impression that Hawken will be about as far from what we expect "mech games" to be while still running around in what looks like a mech.


Ok, other than the giant whitespace to the left (which might be more of a "compatibility with non-widescreen monitors" thing), can I just say I LOVE the design of that site?

And *this* is why you use Android.